Which country makes the best Metal?

Profånity said:
If you asked a non American/Canadian very few of them would be able to tell the difference between an American and a Canadian accent.
Just listen for the vowels, that's what it's all aboot. :grin:
Profånity said:
America produces the best Nu Metal without a doubt. America only has a few really good Metal bands. I just don't see how you can say America produces better Metal bands than Helloween, Dissection, Emperor, Graveland, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, KDFDM e.t.c and it isn't home of Metal in any way.

Who cares about Nu-Metal. We're talking good metal here, and that'a apparently something you don't know much about...especially since you named Helloween off as one of the good bands...haha. America produced the best thrash and death metal...and before you say it, Germany IS very good, but can't match America in those genres. There's just too many good bands to compete with overall.
I've also seen you say things along the lines of "I've never heard these bands, they can't be good. Black Metal should stay be played in Europe only". That was in the US Black Metal thread. What does that say about you?

2-A Canadian would try and insult/hurt me because2+3) Canadians are so in love with Americans they share the same sports leagues and have the same style accents.

What's this shit? I'm not insulting your country, I'm insulting you. So why bring this up?
Extreme Deformity said:
America produced the best thrash and death metal...and before you say it, Germany IS very good, but can't match America in those genres.
Which American Thrash bands are better than Kreator, Sodom, Dew Scented and Destruction? WARNING:SLAYER-REIGN IN BLOOD COPIED PLEASURE TO KILL

There's too many good German DM bands like:
Maledictive Pigs
Too many? Wow, a whole 9... and you didn't even list my 2 favourite German DM bands.

Warning: I would never say Slayer for a "good thrash metal band", and you're a moron. Reign in Blood did NOT copy anything Kreator related... I'm not saying it's good or better, but fuck that's just stupid! They both came out in the same year... and I'd like to see a band hear something, write an album, record it, then release it before the year is over. Also, if anything, RiB is just like the Hell Awaits style which was out before Pleasure to Kill, so please, shut the hell up about that already.

Sadus smokes the big 4 German thrash bands.

Then there's Dark Angel, Heathen, Vio-lence, Possessed, Nuclear Assault...
The only German thrash band I put above most of these is Sodom, but that's because Sodom owns all. If I had to rank, they're probably my.. #3 Thrash band, behind Sadus and Sacrifice.
Extreme Deformity said:
Too many? Wow, a whole 9
Taken from http://deathmetal.de :

Ab:Norm (Death/Grind)
Abhorrent Life (Old School Death Metal)
Abrasive (Brutal Death)
Act Of Fate (Death Metal)
Ages Gone (RIP) (Experimental Death Metal)
Anasarca (Brutal Death)
Ancient Ceremony (Melodic Black/Death)
Andabata (Noise Death/Grind)
Anencephalus (Death/Grind)
Apostasy (Death Metal)
Ascension (Death Metal)
Bastard (Black/Death)
Battlesword (Melodic Death)
Belching Corpses (Underground Death)
Beyond Serenity (Brutal Death)
Blood Shot Eyes (Death/Grind/Hard Core)
Bloodshed (Death/Grind)
Bow To Me (Brutal Death)
Branded Skin (Death Metal)
Broken Torso (RIP) (Brutal Death)
Burden of Grief (Melodic Death/Thrash)
By Brute Force (Brutal Death)
Cardiac (Black/Death'n'Roll)
Carnage Inc. (Death/Grind)
Cataracta (Death Metal)
Common Grave (Death Metal)
Crack Up (Death'n'Roll)
Cremation (Old School Death Metal)
Dark Crevice (Black/Death)
Dawn Of Dreams (Black/Death)
Death Reality (Killing Death Metal)
Deathless (Death Metal)
Debauchery (Brutal Doom/Death)
Decapitation (Melodic Death)
Defeated Sanity (Brutal Death)
Defender KFS (Melodic Death/Thrash)
Depredation (Punk Death/Thrash)
Depression (Death/Grind)
Despondency (Death/Grind)
Devil's Cry (RIP) (Death Metal)
Disinfect (Brutal Death)
Dispersion (Groove Death)
Divine Empire (Death Metal)
Divine Noise Attack (Death/Grind)
Doomstone (Death Metal)
Dormitory (Death/Thrash)
Dying Harmony (Brutal Death)
Embedded (Brutal Death)
Enthrallment (Brutal Death)
Exit (Death/Thrash Core)
Exmortem (Brutal Death)
Exposed Guts (Death Metal)
Fall Of Serenity (Death Metal)
Fallen Yggdrasil (Death Metal)
Final Breath (Death/Thrash)
Fleshcrawl (Death Metal)
Gallery Of Darkness (RIP) (Brutal Death)
Gardens Of Gehenna (Doom/Death)
Gomorrha (Gore Black/Death/Thrash)
Gore Zone (Gore Death/Grind)
Grotesque Impalement (Death Metal)
Guerrilla (Death/Thrash Core)
Harmony Dies (Brutal Death/Grind)
Heaven Shall Burn (Death Core)
Hellblazer (Death/Grind/Crust Core)
Hexenhammer (Death Metal)
Homicidal Violence (Death/Grind)
Human Bastard (Death/Thrash)
Human Bloodfeast (Brutal Gore Death)
Human Destroyer (Death/Grind)
Hydrophobia (Black/Death/Grind)
Impending Doom (Black/Death/Thrash)
Impure (Brutal Death)
Infecdead (Brutal Death)
Ingurgitating Oblivion (Death Metal)
Intestines (Death Metal)
Invoid (Death Core)
Irax Tenax (Melodic Death)
Jack Slater (Brutal Death)
Kadath (Brutal Death/Grind)
Laid In Ashes (Melodic Death)
Last Twilight (Gothic Black/Death)
Lunar Eclipse (Death Metal)
Lunatic Dictator (Death/Thrash)
Maledictive Pigs (Death/Grind)
Malicious Intent (Death Metal)
Manos (Comedy Death/Grind)
Massive Retaliation (Death Metal)
Mental Amputation (Brutal Death)
Mighty D (Dark/Death)
Misanthropic (Death Metal)
Morgoth (RIP) (Death Metal)
Mourning Caress (Melodic Death)
My Darkest Hate (Old School Death Metal)
Nail (Death Metal)
Narcosis (Fun Death Metal)
Necrophagist (Technical Death/Grind)
Necropsy (Old School Groove Death)
Night In Gales (Melodic Death)
Obscenity (Death Metal)
Obscure Desaster (RIP) (Technical Melodic Death)
Obscure Oath (Death/Grind)
Obscurity (Death Metal)
Of Trees And Orchids (RIP) (Brutal Death)
Orth (Death/Thrash/Grind)
Path Of Golconda (Black/Death/Thrash)
Profanity (Brutal Technical Death)
Purgatory (Brutal Death/Grind)
Rebellion (Melodic Folk Black/Death)
Resurrected (Brutal Gore Death)
Rotten Flesh (Gore Death)
Sacrificed (Death Metal)
Sarx (Death Metal)
Seelenfrieden (Melancholic Death Metal)
Seirim (Black/Death)
Serenity In Murder (RIP) (Death Metal)
Sinners Bleed (Death Metal)
Sistrum (Brutal Death)
Sleeping Gods (Death Metal)
Soul Demise (Melodic Death)
Soulcut (Black/Death)
Soulsgate (Death Metal)
Spawn (Brutal Death)
Sudden Death (Death Metal)
Suffocated Art (Brutal Gore Death)
Suidakra (Folk Heavy/Black/Death)
The Exorial (Melodic Death)
Thornesbreed (Death Metal)
Torn to Pieces (Death Metal)
Torturized (Death/Thrash)
Transgression (Death Metal)
Twilight Prophecies (Black/Death)
Very Wicked (Death/Grind)
Victim (Brutal Death)
Violation (Melodic Death)
Viu Drakh (Death/Grind)
Vulgar Degenerate (Brutal Death/Grind)
World Downfall (Death/Grind)
Zeroed (Death Metal)
Wow, a list of all their death metal bands... impressive... then again, I'd bet on at least 80% of them sucking ass. That list has my 2 favourites from there. Sinners Bleed and Necrophagist...though, you could say Necrophagist is from Turkey.

If I put up a page of all the American Death Metal bands, it would probably be at least double the length of that one...

Do you believe everything that a reviewer says simply because they're a reviewer? He didn't back it up in any way, but that's more than enough reason to believe him I guess. :Smug:
Modern? What the fuck is modern?
Industrial... is not a form of metal. As good as KMFDM and others may be, it's just not metal. That's the topic of discussion, is it not?

and the fact that you think GERMANY of all places makes the best hardcore... well... you know what I'm going to say.

You don't seem to like any bands from America... you never say why the bands are bad... but you just don't like them. Even if you haven't heard them...
American Metal is bad because it's so overated, they started and are the leading producers of Gay Metal(Nu Metal) and they copy the ideas of European bands and then take credit for them.

Basically America produces Gay Metal and cheap and tacky copies of good Metal.
Profånity said:
American Metal is bad because it's so overated, they started and are the leading producers of Gay Metal(Nu Metal) and they copy the ideas of European bands and then take credit for them.

Basically America produces Gay Metal and cheap and tacky copies of good Metal.

You know that guy named Chuck Schuldiner, the Godfather of death metal? Yeah, he's was American.

You want to talk about over-rated? Just look at Swedish metal.