Which Opeth CD did you find HARDEST to get into??


New Metal Member
Sep 12, 2001
Fuck poll's.... Tell it like it is.

Hardest for me to get into was MAYH, it took ages... And sometimes it is still hard to listen to. But i love it. :D
Morningrise, because it was my first Opeth cd and I had never heard anything like that, or anything from that genre/those genres.
for me it was…… and I don't want any hate mail from anyone… but sadly I must say it was… Still life… I know I should be shoot, but… I don't know why I've always loved the music I just never really listened to it back to back like all the rest of them. Please don't shame me from this forum :)
still havent entirely got there
and it was the 2nd one i bought (got it a few weeks after SL)
and that was 2 years ago now
the last one....ok not ages....but it was quite difficult in the beginning.... it is indeed a great album and this was obvious from the first moment...
but well i didn't feel like listening to it THAT much in the very beginning....
MAYH was my first Opeth cd...and that took time to "get into" because this type of metal was new to me. However, that cd has become my favorite of theirs.

Still Life - out of all of their cds that is the one I usually don't listen to very much. There are a few songs that I really can get into on that cd, but after those, the rest just don't "grab" me.
blackwater park is the only album that only took me one listen to love every second of it, the rest toook me a few times to get into, and i still am not familiar with orchid

what i'm trying to say is that bwp RULES!:headbang:
I am not really familiar with blackwater park. There is some good material on it, but I was hoping for 'Still Life II'... which indeed it was not at all!
MOrningrise 'twas for this one.
The only track that was able to evoke emotional intensity in me was BlackroseImmortal... and still is from that album. The rest seem a little bland compared to it and the rest of the albums.

The album I most greedily devoured is MAYH... god damm some of those melodies in that album still make my skin crawl with prolonged orgasm. :D
To this day I still have a hard time getting into Orchid and Morningrise. These two just don't do for me what the last three do. Don't get me wrong, they are damn good, but I think Opeth's sound just got a whole lot better with MAYH (songwriting, drum sound and of course Mikael's vocals keep getting better with every album)

MAYH is probably my favorite because it was the first cd I bought and it was a magical evening upon my first listen. I didn't really know what to expect and I was hooked immediately.

I have Jim of LOFTP to thank for that. I ended up with an issue in one of my Relapse orders and he just went on and on about how great Opeth is and how hardly anything else can even come close to what they're doing - lucky for me I was paying attention.

Thanks Jim!!
Orchid and Morningrise. Tey´re so different from Still Life, which was my first Opeth CD. Somehow it toom me awhile to get used to them...Ok Cds in general...
MAYH easily, because its their heaviest. it didn't hook me right away with melodies, but now that i hear what they were opeth were trying to create with this album i love it!!
Both Orchid and Morningrise. I fell in love with MAYH (it's the first album I got from them) and after that Still Life which has a similar sound to it (though also very different), and then Blackwater Park which was again different, and brilliant.

Orchid and Morningrise never really seemed to fit into this. They are good metal albums. But they lack the brilliance and depth that their newer albums have in my opinion.