Which Opeth CD did you find HARDEST to get into??

Definately Still Life. I am surprised that so many people listed MAYH, I find that to be the most captivating and aggresive right from tthe first listen. Still Life is usually my last choice when I am in the mood to listen to Opeth.
last choice would be BWP i can't get into it still and yea i also think its a dissapointment but its good but still i dun know... anyways my first album still life seemed to take forever to get into know i absolutely love it! and bit after when i had hard to get into orchid i also know absolutely love it! its awesome! still ahev to get morningrise and mayh. I'm gonna like them i think i like the old sound better coz the new guitar sound just isn't that good sounds mellow especially when they try to play heavy parts in BWP agh well anyways...
Ok, this'll sound quite smug, so I apologise in advance.

But I have never found a single minute of Opeth hard to 'get into'. From the first moment I heard 'The Apostles in Triumph' on Lee Barrett's first Candlelight sampler, I thought 'Holy shit.' No really though, it was like the kind of metal I had been looking for all along. It was probably because I'd been a fan of Prog rock (Rush particularly) for so long and also extreme metal that it was no culture shock.

Especially the guitar break that totally blew me away, you know the one. (I've been trying to play it ever since) So it was kind of the perfect find fom day 1.

There, told you I'd sound smug.

BTW I think BWP is the best record Opeth have made!
MAYH for me also , I don't know why , but it was just a weird time for me to be getting into shit maybe.

Then it was BWP ,

the first day I got Morningrise I was blasting it and headbanging
\m/ :mad:

I haven't bought the other two yet , I may wait till I get some cash flow first I think/
MAYH for mine. After being blown away by Orchid and Morningrise, MAYH was quite a transition in that it was a lot angrier and heavy.

But, I'm glad to say that it gets plenty of spins in the CD player these days, and probably my current faviroute. I don't know, maybe I've been feeling angry lately.

The other albums pretty much hooked me straight away. Orchid took all of .4556 seconds to get into.
MAYH as well...but now since I've listened to it more often it's stands well on it's own. Oooooh the harmonies in "Epologue..."

By the way, is MAYH technically supposed to be one huge song? The tracks kinda flow that way, y'know what I mean?


No reason for adding that except that except the fact that that's the most hilarious smiley I've seen...:grin:
MAYH was the hardest for me, but then after awhile, I kept thinking " why didn't I listen to this more!?" But blackwater park is my favorite. I've listend to it for a year straight, I mean I can't count the times I have listend to it. It's weird because I can play the whole cd in my head from start to finish. I don't think I'll ever get bored of BWP, thats one of the best reasons why Opeth is the greatest band ever.
I believe it was E V I L who once concluded (I'm loosely paraphrasing) an axoim that if there was something about Opeth that didn't strike you as being brilliant, you just hadn't "gotten" it yet.

In that case, BWP would be the hardest to get into, 'cause to this day I don't feel it is as good as the other four Opeth albums, and thus, I haven't "gotten" it yet.

If this is NOT the case, then the answer would be MAYH. It was the first Opeth album I bought, and a year and a half later I suddenly realized it was the best Opeth album (and, by implication, the best ever, as my previous "favourite album ever" was Morningrise), seemingly out of nowhere. I was just listening to it, and I suddenly realized "Hey... waaaaitasecond..."
I loved MAYH right away. Love at first listen. I loved Orchid at first listen too. BWP was easily accepted. Still Life, believe it or not, did take a little while to be craved. But, at the top of my "hardest to get into" is Morningrise. Man, I thought I'd never get into it, but when I did...I fell HARD. :grin:
Orchid!!! i have not gotten in to it yet....actually to be honest i fear that album a little bit...i think it´s scary...i don´t know why but every time i insert it in to my cd-player i feel that something is wrong...like a curse you know like some kind of evil or misfortune that comes as if in response to imprecation or as retribution for something...hmmm i have to seek help!!! :yow:
i think still life was the hardest for me, no clue why...
within the last month, i have been totally obessessed with listening to SL and BWP for some reason.

Goddamn I love the way blackwater park (the song) ends the album. such an awsome climax!
Yes. It does...after the last lyrics, I see the music engulfing the end of the album. Like a title wave. OK, so maybe that doesn't make sense to anyone but me. :lol:
Originally posted by StorTroll
Orchid and Morningrise. Tey´re so different from Still Life, which was my first Opeth CD. Somehow it toom me awhile to get used to them...Ok Cds in general...

ok cds in general. what the fuck?