Which Reviews on Royal Carnage do you dispute?

JayKeeley said:
I find it really hard to give an album 10/10 unless it has moved me in some symbollic way. There are probably only about 25 albums that I've heard in my life that would deserve a 10/10 (and a good portion of those would not even be metal related).
true, true.
a truly flawless album is a rare beast. even bands at the peak of their powers toss a dog or two onto a disc.
this is a good thread particularly because it stirs the pot a bit ... I obviously have no problem with you guys criticizing what I write, because I keep coming back :) even if my posts don't constitute a formal review.
lizard said:
true, true.
a truly flawless album is a rare beast. even bands at the peak of their powers toss a dog or two onto a disc.

Right. For example, the song "She's in Love" prevented my Savatage review from hitting a home run. That song is a dud for me.

This is just my opinion but I think a lot of people are inclined to buy albums with high score ratings in the reviews. I know I am. There was once a time when I would search through "Metal Observer" and "Metal Rules" looking for 10/10 scored reviews.

After I bought Primal Fear, Kotipelto and INRI (all of which got full scores on metal rules), I realized that each review is totally subjective and that the score is not the pivotal point in whether I should buy or not. The write up did not even match the score. Needless to say, those three albums are utter shite.

A 10/10 for me has to be something that falls into the category of Live After Death, Chemical Wedding, Ride The Lightning, Rebirth etc. Something timeless that you'll want to listen to in a 100 years from your grave.
JayKeeley said:
This is just my opinion but I think a lot of people are inclined to buy albums with high score ratings in the reviews. I know I am. There was once a time when I would search through "Metal Observer" and "Metal Rules" looking for 10/10 scored reviews.

I scooped up almost all of the 10/10 CDs that http://www.remnantsofreason.com rated, found two of my favorite bands that way some years back (Opeth and Hypocrisy).
NAD said:
I scooped up almost all of the 10/10 CDs that http://www.remnantsofreason.com rated, found two of my favorite bands that way some years back (Opeth and Hypocrisy).

That's great! How were the other 10/10's? I guess it depends on the site. Metal Rules generally drool over all things power and germanic.

Nice tag line by the way. Have you heard about the flick, Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter?

"The power of Christ impales you..." :lol:
:lol: That's funny!

His other perfect 10s were given mostly to melodic death and progressive death, I didn't often disagree with his ratings. Some of his 10/10 I would have given 9/10 though, but I'm mean I suppose. :)
I'm curious to see some people's thoughts on the new Solefald album, In Harmonia Universali. That was an extremely difficult record to review, at least for me. Should hopefully be live on the site by tomorrow AM.
I've written an overview of that album for my column...I think it's one of the top ten albums of 2003 so far. What makes it their best in a nutshell is that the arrangements are their most intricate to date, and the music is more provocative than their often satirical lyrics.
Papa Josh said:
I will go on record as saying the reviews for Solefald and Derek Sherinian have got me very interested.

God I need money....

Hey Papa, I'll return the favor for you hooking me up with the latest CoF.

I'll send you my copy of Solefald (as well as the Sinister promo) today. I'm just going to go buy a new copy first...:grin:
well i read the review of 'volcano' and saw it on many a top ten list of last year. so i hopped on kazaa and got 'angstridden' becuase ole pj said its one of his favorites...and i honestly cannot see whats so fuckin great about this. the riffs arent anything special and reapeat a bazzillion times. i dont mind some repitition if the riffs are interesting enough but this is isnt anything new or exciting. it just kind of drags on. sure, i only have one song, but if this is a good example of the rest im not going to waste my time checking them out. im sure you'll all yell at me now, but boo satyricon.
yeh ive heard some old satyricon (really old like dark castle in the deep woods or somthing) and rebel extravaganza. they just dont impress me as much as everyone seems to think they should.
In due time, my young padawan. The gift doesn't always come to us right away, but given time, the seed will grow. Have you listened to the entire cd on headphones? Come back and talk to me when you have..

I stand by my review of Volcano still.

And I haven't even heard the new Kovenant, but I would've given them a lower grade than Mr. Markgugs did just for sucking ass so bad. They are truly horrific. They changed the C to a K, from crap to krap. Either way it's crap. The only good thing they've released is Nexus Polaris.