Who is going to MDF '09

Are you going to MDF 2009?

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No joke though, this dude wasn't and still isn't someone to fuck with. I remember back before he got crazy into body building he would drink obscene amounts of alcohol, do tons of coke and heorin, mutilate himself in front of people, and he was naked alot. He once smashed two unopened beer cans over his forehead one after another.
Haha. Do you want my digits, son? The more the merrier, honestly. PM me if you'd like to exchange numbers.

I'm not able to get off work on Friday so I'm not sure when to make the trek to Maryland. A little feedback/help, guys?

son? youre not THAT old. and i just got the numbers, so i'll be sending n00dz shortly (not really, im shy)

i'd leave by whatever time gets you there by noon. unless you dont care for the early bands. not sure what kind of help you need heh
son? youre not THAT old. and i just got the numbers, so i'll be sending n00dz shortly (not really, im shy)

i'd leave by whatever time gets you there by noon. unless you dont care for the early bands. not sure what kind of help you need heh

NOODZ! :tickled:

I guess I'm going to miss Friday which sucks considering I bought the three days pass. Oh well. It was better to be safe than sorry.
Is he coming?

Nah, it'd be cool if he did though. He doesn't drink or do drugs anymore due to his strict diet. He's a normal guy on the inside he just is a bit wacky. Cool guy though.

edit: here's a picture of him flexing and looking like a madman


lol, I just realized how funny his face looks
Just an fyi, d00ds, I will probably be bringing my laptop, so periodic updates will surely be in order. I posted last year if you recall ;)