Who is going to MDF '09

Are you going to MDF 2009?

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Hey guys, we need to get an official attendee list with the list of people who have paid and the amount in the next day or two so we can find out exactly what's going on with this money situation.
Right now we have up to 17 confirmed, which lowers the price to approximately 58 per person.
^ See OP

I'm pretty sure the only people who haven't paid yet are the 2 extra friends of Andy's and the 1-3 extra friends of viewer's. I can do a recalculation sometime between now and MDF and we can just make the last few people pay at the door.
By friends you mean random people who happened to need a room who I offered to take in with us :lol:

I'll talk to them soon, they'll probably pay up front at the hotel tbh. But we'll see.

Please make it clear to them that paying up front, or in advance, is mandatory if they want to stay there, kthx.

Same for you, viewer.
'Preciate it. If you need to give them a dollar estimate, I guess you can tell them ~$60.

We need to find out just how many people viewer is bringing along. Kind of a pain in the ass to not know how much everyone is going to pay.
'least it shouldn't be too astronomical of a difference, seems like basic chump change compared to what most of us will be packing :lol:
Yeah. I guess we could just assume the minimum of 15 people for the calculation, and make that the at-the-door fee, and then Jeremy and I can dole out rebates as desired.