Who is going to MDF '09

Are you going to MDF 2009?

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'Preciate it. If you need to give them a dollar estimate, I guess you can tell them ~$60.

We need to find out just how many people viewer is bringing along. Kind of a pain in the ass to not know how much everyone is going to pay.

There's a 90% chance that it will only be me and two others. And one already paid, the other is going to be paying up front.
Due to the fact that saturday only passes are sold out I may just go friday or sunday.
Hey Grant, Tyler aka cockscientist paid for he and his friend via Paypal with an e-check. Should clear in 2-5 days. ROCKIN.
Killer. Both are 21+ btw. But obviously if things are getting too busy in one room we can move people around I guess. The "21+" thing is only really to cover us, in the very unlikely case that something shitty happens. Anyway, I'm super fucking pumped.
BTW, here's a list of stuff I wanna see/don't care about...Jeremy mentioned to me that he probably won't be away from the festival grounds very much because so many bands were playing that he wanted to see...so here's what I care about/don't care about...this way we can kinda plan a bit about what/when we can just chill:

probably moot since we'll be in around 3 or 4-ish so we'll miss Hero destroyed and Triac anyway...but...I wanna be at the fest for Jig-Ai and Sayyadina on the inside stage. For the outside, I plan on seeing some of Marduk's set, then staying til 11 all the way through Asphyx's closing set, perhaps. So, after 11 I'm up in the air. I'm up for whatever from 6-7, too, Dan probably will be too.

Saturday will be cool, a lot of shit right up front that I don't care much about, so we have plenty of time to do whatever we wanna do. Maybe go inside for Unearthly Trance and/or Crowpath just for kicks, get lunch, see Nachos and Rotten Sound, then catch a bit of Hail of Bullets. After that I'll probably have a break until Immolation/Atheist/Pig Destroyer/Birdflesh overlapping deathsets...hope we're all just kind of around and engaging in camaraderie for that period, for sure. Bolt Thrower, General Surgery and WITTR sound like a good rounding out of the night, then we can crash at the hotel.

Once again on Sunday most of the opening bands aren't great, maybe I'll pop over for Agenda of Swine but I'm down for brunch with dudes. I think Sunday will be the day we kinda just troll around the most, because there are some mildly-interesting/fun bands playing but nothing super-imperative (imo anyway, looking for other opinions), so we can pop in and out or separate into groups and just meet wherever at some point to do...something. However, one thing is imperative on Sunday, and that is the MARATHON OF FUCKING WIN that is Absu, Catheter (to an extent), Krallice, Aura Noir, Antigama, D666, Trap Them (also to an extent), Pestilence (if only to make fun of Mameli and/or incite a mass prayer session that prays for Van Drunen to kick his ass and sing "Dehydrated"), Devourment, and fucking Sigh. What the fuck. What a fucking ridiculous Sunday night. We're all going to die, and it's gonna rule.
Yeah, I dunno, maybe we want to space ourselves out in two groups when going in and out of the hotel this time. Having upwards of 15 people pour in through the doors at once might raise a few eyebrows. Not to mention we won't all fit on a single elevator this time anyway.

If we do it, though, we have to use some kind of military-esque jargon, like "Squadron Alpha" and "Squadron Bravo".
I have a feeling the hotel knows what's going on and doesn't care as long we don't make a nuisance of ourselves. I bet they're happy that people are actually coming to Baltimore.

One thing I would recommend to first time fest goers is to really budget your time and only see the bands that you like. It gets really tiring standing and being metal all day so you don't want to be half asleep on painful feet while seeing your favorite band. Also it may be wise to print out the running order and learn where local fast food places are just so it's simple to get lunch and dinner. Last year we had some good McDonalds and Subway experiences.

Also Joe you should've come. We would have had some awesome times.
People come to Baltimore all the time. To see our shitty bay and our awesome aquarium and zoo. Also to eat the awesome seafood.
We should totally go to the aquarium on Monday.

Any recommendations for good restaurants in the harbor area Deva?
yeah, lots metal heads stay at tremont for the fest. they know whats up. and it wouldnt suprise me if the MDF guys actually have the heads up to the hotels in the area
We should totally go to the aquarium on Monday.

Any recommendations for good restaurants in the harbor area Deva?

There's a Hawaiian themed place at this tiny mall near the aquarium that is decent. You'll recognize it from this bridge from it going over the street. I'm more of a fast-food guy. There's either a chipotle or q doba behind the aquarium.
Wow, the aquarium is fucking expensive.

How many of you who are staying for Monday would actually be willing to spend $25-$30 per person for that? I'm fine with it since it's a once a year kind of thing and it's probably a lot of fun, but I'm not sure if everyone will want to blow that extra bit of cash.