Who knows some new CoB merchandise they should make / invent?

"Too bad that everything after Follow The Reaper sucks!"
Flags, shirts and all that shit, that would make millions.

Aren't there hatebreeder flags??? Damn.. I knew I missed something...

@Rhia On the last European tour (well anyway the Amsterdam gig) they had girlieshirts with them.. Imo really cool ones *bought one* well it's more like a tanktop with netting or something...

Really? Dammit.
I've seen them on Wacken last year and there they didn't have any with them...or I didn't see them.

And since there aren't any in the online shop I thought there were none.
Hope they'll put them up there.

COB drink sounds great, maybe some mix-thingy, vodka plus whatever.
They should make some COB energy drink, or a COB beer.

Already done (well, it was a prize in a competition!)

I sure as hell would pay a lot for a Hatebreeder wallflag. They just don't realize... the Follow the Reaper wallflags sell really well.

If there was a COB drink it would probably be called Northern Comfort. But it would have to be whiskey, milk and puke shaked in a bottle, it wouldn't fit the name, so forget it.
I sure as hell would pay a lot for a Hatebreeder wallflag. They just don't realize... the Follow the Reaper wallflags sell really well.

If there was a COB drink it would probably be called Northern Comfort. But it would have to be whiskey, milk and puke shaked in a bottle, it wouldn't fit the name, so forget it.


Except.. the mix doesn't really sound tasty....

They should put out the beer on the market though.. Or maybe sell it through the webshop.. Allthough I'm not sure if it is legal to ship out alcoholic drinks....
COB is a metal band, not a fucking beer label. They would never gain profit with this kind of operation. Really, how fucking silly is that. It would bring them more cash if they started selling Alexi's genital hair on ebay.
So now COB has become a beer label. Really how fucking silly is that. You listen to certain music because it's COB, you don't drink a certain beer because it has COB written on it. For fuck's sake. They would never gain profit with this kind of operation.

If it's a good beer it could join my list of beers which I drink... if not.. I'm not buying it..

It's the idea that counts... besides it makes nice props for photoshoots and stuff..
It's the idea that counts...

Money comes first. Yes. Majority of people believe COB even made one of their albums thinking about the money.

Maybe there are some faggots who would order COB beer so they look special among their gang or 14 year old gangstas. I would rather drink good Finnish Karhu or Lapin kulta, and listen to COB. There are always these victims of marketing who buy every single version of all their CD releases or whatever, but there goes a limit in merchandice, and I think that was the Reaper dildo or whatever doll.

Like I said COB deliver vinyl discs, not bottled beer. Time to wake up :yuk:
Well I do have the Rockhouse dvd's, but that's not all the songs.. and the tabs on the internet aren't always the right ones...

How about COB laptopstickers?

Um, I don't know if it's okay to ask but would you be so kind to put all the backingtracks the rockhouse provides with those dvd's in an .rar or .zip file and send them to me? I'd like to get those.. :blush:

Moet toch wat overhebben voor een mede-nederlander.. :goggly:
Um, I don't know if it's okay to ask but would you be so kind to put all the backingtracks the rockhouse provides with those dvd's in an .rar or .zip file and send them to me? I'd like to get those.. :blush:

Moet toch wat overhebben voor een mede-nederlander.. :goggly:

I think they are already posted in the tabs thread.. I don't have the first edition at the moment because a friend of mine borrowed it..
The backingtracks are to be downloaded from the rockhouse website..

If they're not in the tabs thread, I'd suggest torrentsites or something.. because I don't know if I could get those backingtracks on cd..