Who of the COB guys would you like to meet?

Lol, thanks. I'm new here, and stick basically within the confines of these CoB threads! Good to know though! Definately gonna check that one out!
Authentic Metalhead: Haven't you ever heard of love at first site? And no, i don't love alexi for his looks. If he was ugly, i'd still love him like this. I know ALexi isn't gonna stay hot forever. I wnat to live and die with him

Carlyn: You're going to see Deicide! SWEET! Tell me how the show went afterwards..
Lady_Laiho said:
No i'm not. I'd want to be with Alexi and if it means dying with him, let it be then.

Come on, he doesn't even know you exist ¬¬
Search in your town some nice guy who looks like Alexi and stop with your madness
Lady_Laiho said:
No i'm not. I'd want to be with Alexi and if it means dying with him, let it be then.

Yes, what you have is a sickness and you are in denial. The signs are showing you just need to open your eyes and mind and accept the fact that your obsession with Alexi is a sickness. There is nothing healthy about obsessing over a celebrity (or at least a rock star). Sadly this problem runs rampant in America with teenagers your age.
The Bringer said:
Yes, what you have is a sickness and you are in denial. The signs are showing you just need to open your eyes and mind and accept the fact that your obsession with Alexi is a sickness. There is nothing healthy about obsessing over a celebrity (or at least a rock star). Sadly this problem runs rampant in America with teenagers your age.

It's even more sick when the teenager in question is a man pretending to be a teenage girl.
I'm not a fake! I'm a real person and i'm not pretending to be anything!

I am Canadian: I don't want a look alike! I only want Alexi. There could be millions of people that look like Alexi and i wouldn't care. I only want him.