myself. saw Orchid in a store back in 95, took a listen and the first minute of 'In Mist She Was Standing' was enough to convince me. in an age before the whole mp3 stuff i was lucky to have the opportunity to listen to some damn fine albums in that store before buying. this way i discovered lots of amazing bands (In The Woods, Amorphis, Katatonia, Paradise Lost, Anathema, Tiamat, ...the list is endless)
yeah those were the times...when all you got online was some shitty 10 second WAV sample (that took hours to download on a 28.8 kbps or so modem) :)
I first saw Opeth at the 2005 Sounds of the Underground concert. A friend of mine who went with me was really impressed with them and bought "Deliverance". I didn't think much of it at the time, but the more I listened to the album, the more interested I got; and now, they're one of my favorite bands ever.

For me that concert was a nice band sampler at a time when I was just beginning to learn about the variety of metal out there, though it seems kind of freakish that Opeth appeared in the concert, otherwise completely composed of U.S. bands.

I also discovered Clutch there, which has become another of my favorite bands - though to nowhere near the degree of Opeth. Those two were pretty much the only bands worth hearing at that show.

saw Orchid in a store back in 95, took a listen and the first minute of 'In Mist She Was Standing' was enough to convince me.

Hm. The first minute of In the Mist would not have sold me on Opeth. To me it sounds like some strange bastardization of Viking metal that goes nowhere, and nothing like the rest of their discography.

It's probably fortunate that I heard Deliverance first, as the rest of their stuff isn't too accessible. I especially had trouble getting into "Orchid" and "Morningrise" when I first heard them, but naturally they grew on me, like all the other albums. Opeth definitely has that 'fine wine' quality to them. :)
My friend told me they are like an acoustic version of tool with jazz influences (which sounded like it would be the greatest thing in the world at the time for me). He was very wrong, but i loved Opeth anyway. The first song i ever heard was The Drapery Falls, on www.progarchives.com. Very good website btw
I had to find it in a yahoo search, how was everyone else referred?

I don't remember exactly... I'm pretty sure I randomly downloaded Blackwater Park on a whim after seeing some discussion over the band online.

anyway, I fucking hated the album and continued listening to Iced Earth and whatever else I was listening to at the time. a few months later, I listened to the album again, and found it interesting this time around. I liked it... then I loved it... then I was obsessed with the band, downloaded everything, then eventually bought everything, while generally listening to no other band for like the next year.
My sister's boyfriend had downloaded a song and I listened to it (Forest of October) and I really enjoyed it. He brought over some albums and now he's trying to teach me how to play Deliverance on the guitar =P
it was Danny Miller from Museum of Fear - Apollo Ra. I will need to remember to thank Dan for the many hours of listening pleasure. All hail the mighty Opeth!
In late 2002 I downloaded In The Mist She Was Standing and I was hooked right away.. I was always curious about Opeth because I had seen their albums in just about every music store I walked into
I was listening to music choice when I heard one song of theirs (can't remember what it is now), then I later found the video for the Grand Conjuration. I got hooked on Martin Lopez's drumming in that song, and his style is what made me buy Ghost Reveries. I supposed Martin Lopez is the reason I became an Opeth fan, but the band as a whole is what has kept me infatuated.
I referred myself off of Astrom's iTunes playlist. :) I added Ghost or Revries and My Arms Your Hearse. I like both of them a lot. :)