my cousin played Damnation and declared it was by a death metal band named Opeth. at the time i was categorically not a fan of death metal; small wonder why Damnation intrigued me so much. i thought to myself, "if Opeth can play this melodic acoustic stuff, then surely their heavy music must be something?" i ate up Damnation and after a week, my cousin gave me Still Life.

you know when you fall in love with a stunning babe, you lose your virginity to her one night and spend the next two weeks having sex every day coz you can't get enough? Still Life created a similar euphoria for me.

it was like being holed up in a dank cellar, replete with cobwebs, musty newspapers, with nothing to smell but wood and earth, and hidden among the piles of ancient newspapers and pieces of yesteryear you find a bottle of vintage wine, a clean glass, some fresh cheese, and a pack of cigarettes all for you.

music has never been so tasty.

Best first post ever :kickass:
I was 14 or 15 at the time, and my friend had just picked up Blackwater Park (this was before most stores even carried Still Life).

I heard Bleak and Harvest...fell in love with how they played off each other. And then a year and a half later, I saw them on the first Deliverance tour. Ohhhh snap, memories.
my girlfriend bought me metalhammer mag 3 or 4years ago and BWP was rated 8th (something like that) best metal album, cant remember who reviewed it but he ggave the opinion that i might like it, i downloaded it, loved it and then over a period of a few months bought all there albums.
ahh, to completly rediscover them again would be great

No kidding! I went through a phase where i thought they were the greatest thing to happen to music. Ahhh, so many good listens. I'd still say some of the best listening sessions i've had were the ones in the first year i heard Opeth.
I got a tape from a friend just after they released "Orchid" (-95?). Their music were kind of different at the time. I had never heard anything like it really. I liked them since that day.
I found them online when doing a random music search on Amazon, I think back in 1999 or so. I was listening to Anathema, Dimmu Borgir, CoF, In Flames, etc., and I would just click on the "These people also bought this album" thingy and listened to a few excerpts and went out that day and bought MAYH and Still Life. Been listening ever since. Was disappointed with Ghost Reveries, though.

I remember trying to get everyone I knew to listen to them, but not until Blackwater Park came out would people stop being posers and give something new and different a chance. It looks like it kinda backfired, though, because everyone and their mother listen to them now. It's somehow not as special as it was...it's like the best-kept secret you once had all to yourself has now been let out of the bag and many people just take it for granted. Not in the "UR A NOOB LOL WTF!!!11!!!" retarded kind of way, but there's something to be said for discovering something before MTV gets hold of it. Opeth was one of the very few underground bands who were really outside everyone else and belonged in no genre.

Now you can find their t-shirts in Hot Topic as well as many of the other bands I grew with. On one part it's a shame, but on another, it's good to see that they're getting the recognition they deserve, whether it be lolcore CoB fanboys or not.
I found them online when doing a random music search on Amazon, I think back in 1999 or so. I was listening to Anathema, Dimmu Borgir, CoF, In Flames, etc., and I would just click on the "These people also bought this album" thingy and listened to a few excerpts and went out that day and bought MAYH and Still Life. Been listening ever since. Was disappointed with Ghost Reveries, though.

I remember trying to get everyone I knew to listen to them, but not until Blackwater Park came out would people stop being posers and give something new and different a chance. It looks like it kinda backfired, though, because everyone and their mother listen to them now. It's somehow not as special as it was...it's like the best-kept secret you once had all to yourself has now been let out of the bag and many people just take it for granted. Not in the "UR A NOOB LOL WTF!!!11!!!" retarded kind of way, but there's something to be said for discovering something before MTV gets hold of it. Opeth was one of the very few underground bands who were really outside everyone else and belonged in no genre.

Now you can find their t-shirts in Hot Topic as well as many of the other bands I grew with. On one part it's a shame, but on another, it's good to see that they're getting the recognition they deserve, whether it be lolcore CoB fanboys or not.

i agree with you in many ways.. It sux when you watch a small band get big and it kinda loses that special feeling that it once had. But in a lot of cases if a band doesn't make it to the next level you see them either falling apart or making even more drastic changes ie total band reformation. I think that although Opeth is a much bigger band now, they still haven't quite let the media get to them. They are still doing what they want with their music and have a lot of potential to go in completely different directions. Im looking forward to what their next album will sound like, cause we all know it'll be something completely different from the last. And another bonus of being big is that they will likely continue to tour more regularly which means more opportunity to see them!

As for how I got into Opeth, I was given BWP by a friend and it took me a while to get into it, but after a few listens I was hooked and haven't stopped listening to Opeth for more than a few days since then. \m/
My grandpa did!

Just joking, a friend did!
My firs opeth experience was me and a friend on a beach and a beautiful view of the see listening to opeth.
I found them online when doing a random music search on Amazon, I think back in 1999 or so. I was listening to Anathema, Dimmu Borgir, CoF, In Flames, etc., and I would just click on the "These people also bought this album" thingy and listened to a few excerpts and went out that day and bought MAYH and Still Life. Been listening ever since. Was disappointed with Ghost Reveries, though.

I remember trying to get everyone I knew to listen to them, but not until Blackwater Park came out would people stop being posers and give something new and different a chance. It looks like it kinda backfired, though, because everyone and their mother listen to them now. It's somehow not as special as it was...it's like the best-kept secret you once had all to yourself has now been let out of the bag and many people just take it for granted. Not in the "UR A NOOB LOL WTF!!!11!!!" retarded kind of way, but there's something to be said for discovering something before MTV gets hold of it. Opeth was one of the very few underground bands who were really outside everyone else and belonged in no genre.

Now you can find their t-shirts in Hot Topic as well as many of the other bands I grew with. On one part it's a shame, but on another, it's good to see that they're getting the recognition they deserve, whether it be lolcore CoB fanboys or not.

Thats true!
I remember the first gig I went to see them, the audience were all die hard devoted fans! On the following gigs i went to see them that feeling was gone!
It doesn't matter really, maybe the Percentage of "poser" fans got up, but opeth are still original!
Thats true!
I remember the first gig I went to see them, the audience were all die hard devoted fans! On the following gigs i went to see them that feeling was gone!
It doesn't matter really, maybe the Percentage of "poser" fans got up, but opeth are still original!

How can you tell which ones are poser fans just from attending a gig with them for a couple of hours?
I looking at Ticketmaster.ie and I noticed a band called 'Opeth'. I heard a lot of praise coming from fans before so I looked at some videos on YouTube and was VERY impressed. So I ran to HMV and bought all the albums I could (Ghost Reveries, Damnation, Still Life... I had 60 euro.. so what... couldnt buy them all...) and listened to them for three days straight.
How can you tell which ones are poser fans just from attending a gig with them for a couple of hours?

I din't say that the people in the concert were posers!
And I never refered to them as poser, is sad "posers", As long as i know they could be great people!
The fact is that in the old concert there where people chearing "Opeth" 30min before the concert started, they all where so delighted to be there. On the later concerts NO.