Interesting, MA was the song that I first liked the death vocals on too. From there they were no problem.
Maybe that's because it manages to be insanely heavy without sounding too complicated and stay pretty straightforward, and has a long-enough acoustic part that it prevents the song from growing tiresome.
Heard the name online over and over again, decided to download a song, it was Deliverance, still one of my top 2 Opeth songs (the other one is When)
A friend of mine came up with BlackWater Park and I liked it. so I bought a second album. I'm not totally swept away by Opeth, but I absolutely do like it !!!! At first it reminded me of the first album of The Gathering (dutch band), but they were heavier.
My dear son [Thanks dude!!!] played some songs from BWP and D&D...
And before long I was completely hooked - I've got all cd's now (and more!)
Got a tip in a Danish metal-forum...and went down in the nearest recordshop and did buy "deliverence".......then I got addicted....:worship:

A friend gave me his copy of My arms your hearse, then I left a comment on the Opeth site and López replied, so then I asked him to recomend me a list of the songs he liked the most. That's it.
I felt inspired by Blackwater Park cover, don't know why, never heard about Opeth before, I saw BP cd and I bought it, summer 2001. They've changed my life.