whos the secret moderator? arcchrchenar you owe us an explanation

You sure??
Im shocked!!

surely only mods can delete posts!!


get tooled up folks, we got a us posse to organise here

So far the prime suspects are ikea and a moderator, is archie a moderator?? that would make him a prime suspect, as ikea lacks a motive, except maybe to set archie up. Theres no way someone could have dialled 911 and called a moderator to the scene in that time. Either way a friendly neighbourhood mod will be able to see whos deleted what and someones reputation wont come out of this in one piece...stay tuned folks!!

Achernar said:
and the suspicious parallel between ikeaboy and the ikea chair under my ass.

mate id love to fucking clonk you one for saying such things, wouldnt be too hard youre just skin and bone anyway ya puff :tickled: