Why are so many on this board so misanthropic?


Jun 1, 2001
I read countless times how "people suck" " i hate people" etc. It's in your titles, it's in your posts, it's in your names, it's in your profiles--- but why?

Personally I have no 'beef' with the majority of people. People are just dandy to me; that is, I don't find anything about the masses that is *immediately* grating towards me.

So why the misanthropia? Why do you feel you have to be negated by other people? Are you free from criticism or am I in fault for not being misanthropic enough? (And i'm not sure, despite all my pretensions, if I am at all)
Most of us on this board are here because we can't find people in real life who are "deep" or "intellectual" enough to fulfill our cravings for intelligent conversation. It's no surprise that we're not on a Backstreet Boys board. Most people in this world don't enjoy thinking or debating or being challenged. That's why so many of us are misanthropic.
im not so much misanthropic as most of the people here.... but i'll say one thing.... this world has an excess of ignorance and hypocrites...... even the friends in my metal crew i hang out with are huge hypocrites...... its irritating
First of all let's get one thing out in the open; I love the Backstreet Boys, and their forum. We have amazing discussions about the meaning of the word "baby" within each song :lol:. Seriously, I agree that people here seem misanthropic because they can't have the conversation they have in this forum anywhere else.
there is times where i absolutley HATE people with a passion and there is times where im talking about someone and im like, god they are so great! it depends really... i hate some people, i like some people.
I agree with Lina totally. I think most people are too worried about how they look or how people will perceive them to see the important things in life. The majority of people just try to fit in so much and be accepted(which is fine to a certain extent) that they don't ever stop to realize who they really are.

There are many things I see everyday that just make me want to go crazy and lock myself in a room away from these idiots. However, there are people who are just misguided and need a little push in the right direction. For the most part, we have become a society that has no thoughts or feelings.

Be yourself.
Could someone please tell me how to respond!:tickled: Maybe we don't know how to feel anymore...but it doesn't worry me. I reckon ppl shouldn't worry so much about how other ppl think of them.
Most of the humanoids I know just don't get it - all I see are people caught in the rat race, with no clue how being a real person is supposed to be.

Thank goodness I met and married my best friend - and the truth is, you really only need one true person in your life to help you through (and she happens to be right here in our house:) )

I don't bother looking for friendships, acquantances, etc. - those things will either just happen or not - I can't be bothered to put one ounce of effort into surrounding myself with so-called friends, because when you finally get to know most people - you know what happens: their true self shows, and it usually isn't such a great thing.
in other people we see our own flaws reflected, it is easier to attribute and associate these flaws with other people rather than admit that we ourselves are in fact no better
I got into an argument on IRC about rap, I tried to maintain my composure. I simply asked, "What is it that makes you like rap, no one that likes it has ever explained it to me before." And so he immediately makes annoying assumptions and says "Well, it's not like rock (kill me), it has bass, the only other thing that has bass is techno"
Me: I don't listen to rock
Him: What do you listen to
Me: Black metalish stuff and Progish stuff (I suck with genres :-/)
Him: All metal is is screaming into the mic and hitting instruments really fast!
Me: No, you're thinking of numetal, trust me, it's not like that. The lyrics are more poetic and don't just say fuck this/you/everything, and it will oftentimes have acoustic instruments like violens and such, it IS NOT numetal.
Him: Paste me some lyrics, I want to see 'poetic' lyrics.
Me: Let me get my CD cover, I don't have anywhere to paste from.
Him: Noooo, use this link (He supplies me with a link I KNOW won't have Opeth lyrics)
Me: I doubt they will be on here
Him: Sounds like a bad excuse
Me: (I quickly check and see Opeth isn't on there of course) Nope, not here, lemme get book
Him: bullshit
Me: Opeth isn't popular and that's why they aren't on there, they are also not from america so it's even less likely they're on there. Now let me go get the CD book, brb.
Me: (Paste excerp from Black Rose Immortal, the part with "Hours brought thirst and the rising sun)"
Me: Yes.. any expression of emotion other than lust is gay, I should have known.
Him: (He continues to make fun of me for a while, I just kind of ignore him)
Me: So ya never really told me why you like rap, care to explain?
Him: (Summarization) Rap is like not a bunch of fake love stories, it's like about partying and having a good time ya know, and it's got a good beat and a lot of bass.
Me: Ok, thanks for telling me, just wondering.
(At this point a bunch of other people were rambling and this guy i'm talking to is as mature as a ten year old, so he begins to say stuff such as "YOUR MOM SUCKS DONKEY COCK FUCKFACE HAHAH" I just kind of sat there pissed off, knowing these kind of people are the majority of the population, then someone else asks another person why they like rap. He just replies "I like the lyrics". The guy who asks says not good enough elaborate. The guy proceeds to flood the channel with "I LIKE THE LYRICS" Then both of them start spamming it. Then about 100 bots enter the room and start flooding the channel and my computer freezes until the bots get booted, I just left the channel with a bad mood and no better understanding of why people are idiots.

And that is why I am misanthropic.
Originally posted by Xtokalon
I read countless times how "people suck" " i hate people" etc. It's in your titles, it's in your posts, it's in your names, it's in your profiles--- but why?

Personally I have no 'beef' with the majority of people. People are just dandy to me; that is, I don't find anything about the masses that is *immediately* grating towards me.

So why the misanthropia? Why do you feel you have to be negated by other people? Are you free from criticism or am I in fault for not being misanthropic enough? (And i'm not sure, despite all my pretensions, if I am at all)

I think that my past explanations of why I hate people were quite adequate. If you rally care that much you can go back and look at them.
Your right...rap sux...and i think u did well not to be dragged to his level (shit i sound like my mum)I don't know if i could have been as intellectual about it as you.
I've pasted lots of Opeth lyrics to ppl and told them to read it as poetry..not until after they have read it and said they liked it have i told them it is metal.
Man ppl generally don't understand wot metal is about.
I am not misanthropic, i am a cynical-socialist.

I do not need people, so why surround myself and suffocate my space?
What can i tell you...i despise humans ( all of them myself included ) and i run away from everything just to not face fake stupid close-minded judgemental threat-followers bastards in each and every corner of the world. I deeply belive mankind as a whole its condemned and it should be destroyed because its so flawed there isnt a chance in hell we could ever pull out of this living nightmare we call conciousness.

I run away from people. I make contact with my direct family family( ones with at least half my dna in common )...my beloved Maria ( but now not even her im not shure...check Broken Hearts threat ) My band mates ( and even they ive grown to hate cause they are irresponsible pushovers that cannot stand for themselves unless i tell them to do so ) One or 2 people in the icq...besides the board and the people that talks to me in gigs and parties thats about all the contact i make with people at all. If i didnt had a band i would ( and used to ) spend months at the time without even going out to my frontyard....i just grow uneasy unconfortable scarred and generally pissed off around people cause i know they are all fake and they are all stupid hypocrites and i have to act like one to blend into them so i can do basic stuff like buying food at a 711....

Are you free from criticism or am I in fault for not being misanthropic enough?

A true misanthropic person its suicidal because he hates himself for even being in the same filthy species than humans, i wake up in the morning i remember the things ive done to my family, my friends, my girlfriend, i get sick of myself to the point of not wanting to look at me in the mirror, i feel like just another flawed being filled with corruption to the very core capable of utter selfishness and i cannot stand it....I have very little room to live or life left at this point...
What is to gain by human contact? If you surround yourself with people, you surround yourself with sadness and wrongdoing.

If there was only one person on earth, there would be no war, there would be no sadness, no emotion, no needs.

Yet the more people there are, the more greif there is.
man, misanthrope, you sound like me. when i point out how stupid humanity is to people they immediately try to defend themselves and the whole fucking human speicies by trying to make me look like an idiot by saying "and your above us, your not human" and they do it with this smug look that makes me remember why most people suck. i of course reply "i'm shit too, what's your piont?" they don't know how to respond to it. and i don't really care, its better that way.

basically i'm sick of the way people are so absorbed with their own self gain, even if it means totally disregarding who they are to fit in. we are all guilty of this, acting the way we are expected to act, instead of acting like who we are. and people can be so whiny. no one ever wants to deal with change, they just want to fit into a nice routine and live the rest of their lives this way, and of course i am guilty of this too. lets not forget humanity's egocentric stupidity. the fact that i'm on a computer makes me no better. our technology is just an excuse to be lazy. and lets not forget that human contact can only lead to misery. getting close to people is dangerous, they don't live forever or will want to have a relationship forever.
For the consummate misanthrope Misanthrope, a few quotes by philosopher/nihilist E. M.Cioran:

"It's not worth the bother of killing yourself, since you always kill youself too late."

"Better to be an animal than a man, an insect than an animal, a plant than an insect, and so on.
Salvation? Whatever diminishes the kingdom of consciousness and compromises its supremacy."

"I get along quite well with someone only when he is at his lowest point and has neither the desire nor the strength to restore his habitual illusions."

"He who hates himself is not humble."

"No one has lived so close to his skeleton as I have lived to mine: from which results an endless dialogue and certain truths which I manage neither to accept nor to reject."

"Exploxive force of a mortification. Every vanquished desire affords us power. We have the more hold over this world the further we withdraw from it, the less we adhere to it. Renunciation confers an infinite power."

" 'What do you do from Morning to Night?'
'I endure myself' "

"I never met one interesting mind that was not richly endowed with inadmissible deficiencies."

"To walk along a stream, to pass, to flow with the water, without effort, without haste, while death continues in us its ruminations, its uninterrupted soliloquy."


Misanthrope: you hold much in common with Cioran. I typed that in myself. Hope you appreciate it, though, on principle, I never will.
I don't get it. Why would I want to waste my time hating and running from people? I was in the repo biz for a couple of years and having met some "low lifes", being cursed at, and even a gun pointed at me a few times, I still don't get it. I meet cool people and some real jerks all the time. To me I would feel like a little weak, feeble minded person to have to push the world away. When it comes down to it, there is no way in hell nobody is going to push me into a little box to live out my life.