Why do Italians sleep around so much?

This thread has somehow turned into "how much I hate my location/country" :)
:lol: Everyone hates the english.
VC: You're gonna start a war. You're gonna start a nuclear war. I'm gonna take you to a gay bar. (Electric six was just on the radio)
Nick: Shut up redneck. Go pick some corn
Arch: Better than the original reason right? ;)
Miolo: Come on man, be my room-mate, we'll have pie :grin:
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Heeeeeeeey I like English food! And Italian food..! And Spanish food..! And.. er.. Well, most food. But not DUTCH food. :Pukes:

And btw, chest hair is scawey :cry: (weel, too much anyway :/)
But very Italian :/
heheh it ain't as scary as back hair, agreed. :eek: eeek
Jester: Bring it you scrawny con. And before you start, remember that at least Nicky's ancestors jumped ship rather than being pushed, and that your nation is descended from people too stupid to avoid capture.
All the Italian men are checking their chest for hair, but finding none. Well maybe Nick wasn't talkin about the men. :loco:
The Grand Wazoo said:
(*snifs* Hmmm.. Is that booze or..? Heheh)

Cos Italians are (teh) charming? *dreams*
Their..raven black hair.. Their beautiful eyes.. Their spaghetti.. Yummy.. ...And their chest hair. (!:eek: u_u,,)

Well I've got all that, well just a little bit of chest hair, minus the garlic breathe = I am better than your average italian guy :p