Why do Italians sleep around so much?

Hey, I am half Italian, and I don't sleep around.

Last time I looked, I didn't have any chest hair.:tickled:
@ Thanatos: Heheh okay (...) :grin:
Owww that lil fella looks a bit like my little brother :p

Grrr why hasn't English got different names for the persons of different genders from a country? Or something? I mean in Dutch tis: "een Italiaan" = An Italian man. "een Italiaanse" = An Italian woman.
And I supposed we meant "Italians" like Italian men? ..So why bother about the chest hair? And besides its horrible how proud (some/most?) Italians seem to be of their chest hair :yuk: :erk:
The Grand Wazoo said:
And besides its horrible how proud (some/most?) Italians seem to be of their chest hair :yuk: :erk:

i don't really think italians have considerably more chest hair than, say, french or spanish people. :err: i don't know how many italian guys you close-examined looking for hair, but i assure you there's no "hair culture" (both meanings) around here...


@ Rahv: No, tis what they say about Italy isnt it? :err:
Ooooh it's prolly a jealous Dutch men thing..! :lol:

Oh. There seems to be a vulture culture on the damned island I will be forced to go to (:mad: ) this summer.. :grin: well, that might be a good thing. Looking out for ..vultures.. Observing vultures.. Feeding vultures.. Observing just fed vultures..
...For about three weeks. >_<
@ VC: : o
You wanna go to an island??
Go, the first days of July till half August or so to Sardegna! Lots of vultures! Great island! (Ehh yeah! Reallllly!) Okay?
Good. Meet you there. :cool:

@DJ: :eek: omg omg Great Wise Man! *bows*
@dj i only know the isle of man and i want to take part on the "mad sunday" once.
and then there's no man's land, where the days are long (nma) :p

@wazoo hmmmm.... that interferes with my plans so far :) btw meshuggah have been confirmed for www.summer-breeze.de :hotjump:
The Grand Wazoo said:
@ Rahv: No, tis what they say about Italy isnt it? :err:
Ooooh it's prolly a jealous Dutch men thing..! :lol:

ah, they say a lot of things, depending on the country you're in. ;)
of course italians are generally more dark-skinned and perhaps hairy than you northeners, but the same goes for people from the whole mediterranean area, as commandante aptly pointed out. the fact that in holland people say this about italy is more or less happenstance: maybe they say spanish people love to sleep till noon, and this also apply to most italians. it's an area, not a nation thing.

They also say that you Italians feast on the brains of newborn puppies, before chanting slogans and waving placards with 'go home, damn you Weebl!' but after waking up and having jam.
I hears a lot of things.
Dunno how many I heard outside the box though.