Why do people take metal so seriously?


lunatic of god's creation
Mar 20, 2002
It amazes me how people can take this entertainment so seriously. It has become a sub-culture and a lifestyle to some. Most are easily offended by jokes or even insults towards metal or a a particular sub-culture. Power metal well...hahahah nothing really needs to be said. Speed has freed me from saying what i have to about power metal. But when you think about death and black are just about as rediculous. I have yet to hear anything intelligent, so im glad i can't understand the lyrics. I don't want to. Do those dumbasses in Norway think by burning down churches they are going to get rid of chrisitianity? I don't call myself a metalhead cause i hate the scene. It is full of whiny bitches desperately in need of a social life. I don't even go to shows much anymore because the image and scene is so utterly retarded. Im The fanbase is like 99.9% male and most are homosexual groupies to the bands. It makes me sick when i go to shows and see people hovering around the bands tour bus or wherever, trying to get some autograph or picture with them. What kind of IN SYNC shit is that? Metal is the skeleton in my closet that I am ashamed of, and try to hide. I love it nonetheless.
Come on troo undead warriors of the night and bringers of the apocalypse in the name of whomever BRING ON THE FLAME. I wonder if anyone will actually discuss this.
Maybe it is stupid...just as stupid as sitting around here getting giddy about symphony X, or Opeth or 'insert fanboy sausage fest'. I like to think about things sorry. We or metalheads I should say, should be open to criticism. People who aren't open to evaluate themselves are worthless to a society.
I would like to think i am a metal head, but also a rocker and a punk. It is about the music for me, I don't care who makes it. If I like it, I'm gonna listen to it, and probably learn how to play it too. There is just too much good music out there to pigeon hole yourself into one genre and say thats it, everything else sucks
About the groupies comment....i think its more females really. Pretty much every gig i go to, you get shit loads of girls all dressed up in corsets and pvc etc... It really really pisses me off to watch them trying their best to get near the band and show off their bodies. They just stand at the front and do fuck all, argh. Anyway, yeah i do agree with most of that post really but then again, i dont really see whats wrong with getting a couple of autographs or just meeting the band to congratulate them on their gig.

I would say i hate the metal scene but there's also a lot of postives. I went to the x-mass fest in london a little while ago and the sense of unity throughout the place was great, it was a really friendly atmosphere.......well apart from all the fucking female groupies. People can say that loads of metalheads dont have social lives, well so many people post on here because they can get their opinions out and chat with other like-minded people, i mean there's fuck all metalheads in my town.

Im just rambling now and ive lost my point
You can say that about almost any modern genre; that almost no music should be taken seriously. For instance, rap is lyrically (and musically) much more idiotic than metal. And there are many idiots taking that serisously, trying to dress and talk like they are gangstas or something. Yeah, I am embarrased about some of the stuff I listen to (like corpse paint black metal and some power metal), but then again, I am proud of the fact that I don't listen to hip hop, like all my other friends do. I am proud of the fact that I don't listen to mainstream crap, but I do not dress like a metalhead either. I have short hair and wear normal clothes, as opposed to having long hair and wearing black jeans with band shirts. I still consider myself a metalhead though, especially since I play guitar and write my own songs. Metal is definitely a big part of my life. I think that are many other metal fans out there that are like me.
Metal is not a lifestyle...it is not entertainment...it is simply who you are. We use the term "metalhead" just because there is no other term besides "headbanger". When I first met the bands that I love, I was ecstatic. I never asked for autographs, never acted like a groupie...I was like a kid in a candy store, however, because these bands inspire me to do better in my own guitar playing and with my own bands. It's not metal that saved me thousands of times from my own destruction, it's music in general. Alice in Chains are probably THE most influential band for me...they literally kept me alive. I can always escape with my music and it helps to deal with the immense pressures in my life. When I met all those bands for the first time, I was saying "thank you", not "can I have your autograph?". I would ask them about their gear, what inspired them, etc., and then we move on. I talked to Jon Vesano of Nile the other day for about two hours about work, Italy, his professional and personal life, where he went to college, etc., just like I do with my every day friends. Just conversing over small things. Do you know he has a degree in biology from NC State? Did you know he gave the finger to his degree and works in landscaping and irrigation to make ends meet while touring the world? He's an everyday guy who loves metal. I don't put anyone on a pedestal...they don't deserve to be there in the first place. They're just like you and me. Did you know the guys from Dark Tranquility have regular day jobs and that Dark Tranquility is their side project? I was talking to Warrel Dane from Nevermore at their show in Milano, and I didn't even fucking see him until he looked right at me. All the fanboys were getting autographs, and that's ok, there's nothing wrong with that...it's just not me. I didn't even realize what was going on until I saw an autograph flash in front of my face, and I looked up and it's him in an Immortal hoodie with sunglasses on. I said, "Holy fuck you're Warrel Dane!" He says, "Holy fuck, you're American!!! What the fuck are you doing here?" I told him that I live in Italy and that I come to Milano all the time for concerts and to see my friends. What did we talk about? The new album, the production of the new album, how Arch Enemy had to cancel because they were all sick, and he said, "Yeah, I've been trying to stay away from Angela so I don't get sick...well, not STAY AWAY from Angela as I'd like to stay as close to her as possible, hehe." We both laughed, I shook his hand, said I look forward to the show and that was that. These are regular, everyday people. Destruction are the same way. I spoke to them half the night over beers and the road manager and I talked about the tour, previous tours, asshole thieves, Hypocrisy, how everyone triggers their drumkits (believe it people...everyone on the Deicide tour, all 7 bands are playing with triggers.) etc. I learned a lot from these guys and they just totally make you feel relaxed and just one of the guys. There is no celebrity in them. The touring guitarist from Hypocrisy is nicknamed "Mongoloid" because when he drinks you can't understand a word he says. Funny, funny stories that I never would have found out if I was some hyped-up fan. Musicians love to talk about music...it's kinda their job, you know? It's our common ground.

If you are ashamed of being a metalhead, that's your perogative, but don't lambast all of us because we receive enjoyment from the music we love. I don't just listen to metal, either. I'm a pretty sensitive guy. I cry at movies that move me. I cry with music that moves me, no matter what type. But I can also kick your ass in the pit.
I feel the same as thrashmetal78 as far as the meeting the band thing. The few bands I have met have been great people to talk to, and thats what I did, talk to them. Told the members how kick ass they were, ask how long they have been doing it, just chit chat stuff. I ask the guitar players how they do certain riffs and what gear they use. These opportunities are few and far between, but most of the time I want to pull them off in another room and pick their brains for an hour or two about music. Sometimes I will get an autograph, but only if I can get the whole band to sign. I do it for the memories and to remind myself that not all musicians are self absorbed assholes.

But back to the topic at hand...
Every interest, whether its music, religion, cars, or what ever, will have its extremists and its posers. If there is too much of one or the other, it will die off. If a balance is kept between the two, then it will continue on.
"METAL is not just music, it IS a way of LIFE"

why take it seriously? cuz its serious music. its not a novelty
SADUDE said:
Maybe it is stupid...just as stupid as sitting around here getting giddy about symphony X, or Opeth or 'insert fanboy sausage fest'. I like to think about things sorry. We or metalheads I should say, should be open to criticism. People who aren't open to evaluate themselves are worthless to a society.
What is your problem?
SADUDE said:
Maybe it is stupid...just as stupid as sitting around here getting giddy about symphony X, or Opeth or 'insert fanboy sausage fest'. I like to think about things sorry. We or metalheads I should say, should be open to criticism. People who aren't open to evaluate themselves are worthless to a society.
And please, allow me to reiterate...

Timmeth said:
This is rather stupid...

It's like asking why do people take what they like so seriously...
The sad thing is, that these losers are not aware of how idiotic their love for metal is; hell look at the posts so far, metal fans still defend themselves for being giddy fans. Metal is a form of religion to these people, instead of going to church, they go to concerts with like minded sheep. Instead of reading the bible and prayers etc, they listen to metal all day. Instead of wearing crosses and WWJD bands, they wear band shirts, and grow their hair long.

Can we change this religion? No. People for whatever pyschological or social reason, wish to find a group, and a set of beliefs. Once they find this group, they will defend it with zeal. Those of us who find these groups idiotic, and wish to find ourselves -not through any group or set form of beliefs; will always wonder this earth questioning why people have such a need to identify with others beliefs and not find their own. I am sounding a bit like Nietzsche here, oh well.

Personally I totally identify with you Sadude. I never go to any concerts anymore, as i am quite tired with dealing with these people. I dont really associate anymore with people into metal, as they seem stuck to this i'm a heavy metal fan attitude and belief system, they do not grow. Unfortunately, it seems only those people that are part of the heavy metal cult, have even heard of the same bands i like, so it is a catch 22, my favorite music metal, is almost dead for me socially, it is a hidden part of my life.

Oh, merry christmas everyone, unless you are a satanist, or neonazi- which i know there are a few of around here. Christmas is a fun pagan holiday anyway.
It is so wonderfully ironic that metal fans are by in large part of a cult or religion, when metal supposedly preaches an anti conformist message of by and large: individualism, anti religion, satanist, neo nazi, rage , anger, nihilism, death, etc etc. Even more ironic, is how horribly structured and technical alot of metal is, instead of having sort of a rebel musical style, we have one that is stagnating into a conformity of structure.
I like Metal, so I take it "seriously". It's like a hobby. I don't see what's wrong with it or the scene. People whine everywhere, in every scene. And all the corpsepaint or whatever is entretaining, don't see how its shameful.
If people took one look at me they would never guess I'm a metalhead. Metal is a hobby for me, not a lifestyle.