Why do people take metal so seriously?

Yes, anyone can just listen to a song and think 'oh thats pleasant', but you need to think about the relevant ideas the music expresses, the way it provokes thought, the way it explores formerly unexplored territory.
anonymousnick2001 said:
Well, to make my point, I'll ask you this.

Name a single sophisticated metal band. Be sure to say what makes them sophisticated.
Arcane Sun
Lykathea Aflame
Dream Theater
Death (specially the newer stuff)

What makes them sophisticated? the music they play is complex.
Regarding the original question of this thread... I really don't take metal all that seriously at this point, but at the same time I still get a bit miffed when people who don't like it or even know anything about it pass it off as 'noise'. Not enough anymore to dwell on it or even make a sustained effort to prove them wrong, but still, a lot of people put a lot of time and effort into that noise, much more so than the pop music most of these self-appointed critics listen to. As someone who plays an instrument but has never been much of a songwriter, I can appreciate that.

Anon-nick, I don't understand why you would be ashamed for your kids to listen to metal. By all means, encourage them to listen to other styles of music as well, but don't encourage the belief that metal is some kind of 'ghetto' music. Complexity is good, but simplicity can be even better. But more importantly, you shouldn't feel the need to hide a part of what you are - obviously, if you're into metal enough to post at a metal messageboard, it's something you take somewhat seriously, and there's no good reason to deny that.
I like metal, but I don't take it very seriously. There are other types of music, like classical, that I take very seriously, but not metal. Besides, I'm not really a big metalhead, I prefer classic rock over metal anyday.
Ok, I won't get into the discussion, but I do partly agree. I love the music but i feel there's a lot of competitiveness going on, as to who is the most tr00 and metal. guys just compete as to who knows most metal bands, and most obscure metal bands, and most useless facts about those bands.
if you're female, you dont need to prove yourself so much, as guys mostly have the "at least she's not listening to britney spears!" attitude, and feel its their god given duty to guide us in the world of metal.

i like some songs, i like some bands. i like meeting the bands, too, as much as i would like meeting my favourite authors, and its because they create something beautiful that i enjoy and that means a lot to me. i would never engage in any physical relationship with anyone in a band i just met for a concert, and have had the chances too. but that has more to do with my need to have a real relationship with a person first. however there are other girls that have different priorities than me, and if they'd make out with any stranger in a bar, why not with a stranger in a band?

oh and dressing in black all the time is not very practical in mexico.

the end.
To respond to the semi-related side convo... What makes metal complex or any music?
I have been well versed in music theory, but who cares. Now if you indeed claim metal is complex which I am not arguing against quite yet, what traits make it that way. For the most part the examples you will give are wankery. Now I for one do not care how much of a physical exercise music can become. The speed at which someone moves their fingers/limbs does not enhance my auditory experience. It is unrelated. Are we to argue what makes music good? Most metal songs are constructed much in the way a pop song is. The lack of thematic development being the obvious argument.

The way sophisticated was initially used by whomever that brought it into the thread, leads me to believe that it includes social acceptance. I am more ashamed of the social baggage that comes with metal than the actual product itself. The image that metalheads have created. However, others behavior does not effect my listening experience. I don't need to hear any cliche live and let live type comments either. I will never defend metal or preach it because it is just as rediculous ideologically as anything else. I like metal but it has many flaws. It is without a doubt another form of pop music. Pop for angry suburban white kids. Just like rap is pop for angry minorities, and suburban white kids who think they're minorities. The main attack on here can be fully understood through watching the fans on the newest slayer dvd. The people who believe in the mystic power of the mighty dragonswordflame. The people who eat steele and shit metal. THe people who listen to usurper for reasons other than comic relief... Come on people admit that metal is just angst, unless we're talking rhapsody. In that case it is probably sexual frustration.
Metal isn't representative of an enlightened sub-culture. But who is to say that it should be? I wouldn't mind if a cd was a philosophical treatise. Oh yea, there are always exceptions. There are bands and fans who do not fit my description. There is much hypocrisy(pun?) in metal that irritates me. The majority of metal seems to reject conformity, embrace chaos etc. The fans and the music itself does not match these themes. Im sort of rehashing SPEED here a little. But the music is organized. The fans follow certain retarded customs that have become prereq for a metal listener.
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What i want to know is...when did metal start being about correct grammar in posts?

Of all the boards i post at, ive never seen so many people as i do here go out of their way to tell someone that they spelled this or that wrong, or that they didnt use paragraphs and a bunch of other trivial bullshit
Sadude; there's no such thing as an individual. As far as i'm concerned, a person has no identity if there aren't other people around at some point in life for the first to reflect off of. Humans are a mass, social creature; we are given identity in multitudes, and any inklings we have of being uniquely 'individual' are mere delusions. There's over six billion people on this little world, and all our words cataloging the abstract concept of emotion (which we are meant to feel individually, seperate from all others) amount to not the slightest fraction of how many of us there are.

So, I ask you, why are you at all bothered about how metal's following often appears, generally, to be an act of conformity? You do realise of course that there's a great many others that share the exact same view as yours, even though semantics may differ, and that although you may not all share some stylistic stereotypes, you still are in fact most easily identifiable as a multitude sharing a characteristic.
Sadude, complexity doesn't mean to be able to play songs at a great speed, at least not for me. I'd call that technical abilities. When I'm talking about technicallity, I'm thinking of Gorguts' Obscura, which isn't fast most of the time ( just listen to Clouded, it's one of the slowest song ever, there aren't many riffs but the structure is damn great ), or Gorguts' From Wisdom To Hate. The two guitarists on FWtH studied classical music and music composition, they must have some skills I guess.
These are just some examples that technicallity isn't always related to be able to play fast. Anyone can play fast, you just need to practice, but being able to write complex songs is another thing.

And about the social acceptance and the shame of being a metalhead, well, there are always assholes anywere you go, whatever you do. Some metalheads are just trying to look evil, but what I get from metal is much more than grimness, I guess it's more about being different, and somewhat getting some of the everyday pain out. Some metal bands have really great lyrics, they really mean something,they don't all talk about fucking a girl with a knife. And you're talking about sexual frustration... I guess it's better to listen to metal than to rape some girls because you're frustrated !!
Sculpted Cold, i am very concerned with your beliefs. The position you take is a sound one, but one with a slippery slope. By stripping one of ones unique individuality, and own unique beliefs, you also strip them of their humanity- they become nothing more than an ant or a bee. And ants and bees are easily expendible. Everyone is quite different, they have unique experiences and memories, they look at the world a different way.

Yet, i see your point, in thought at least we are all trapped with limited social and semantic options. Yet, still, look at how far philosophical thought has come, DId existentialism exist with the Romans? No.

I ask you Sculpted Cold, do you find that your life is thus pointless and expendible, that you are nothing more than a member of a group with little will of your own? DO you feel that there is someone else out there that thinks like you, some group exactly like you?

I mean your argument is a interesting one, its just that to accept it, one might as well kill themself, as their life is without meaning.

On this subject, whats up with the lord of the rings people, i am getting really sick of arguing with people that the Lord of the RIngs is neither the greatest book, nor the greatest movie ever made. Such is their devotion, these ring people are worse than metal fans.
SADUDE said:
Come on people admit that metal is just angst, unless we're talking rhapsody. In that case it is probably sexual frustration.
Care to elaborate this a little bit more?

It is without a doubt another form of pop music.
You DO realize that most music (other than jazz and classical music) nowadays is built around pop structuctures, right?
Ultimate Symphony said:
You DO realize that most music (other than jazz and classical music) nowadays is built around pop structuctures, right?
The pop structure isn't what makes the music unsophisticated.

But you did it yourself. You separated classical and jazz from the multitudes of other currently existing forms of music. As much as I love metal, I can see that there is nothing refined or respectable about going up on a stage and blasting "noise" for an hour. Even bands like Opeth, with their entire aesthetic devoted to creating transcendental music that overshoots boundaries and expectations, is limited in its sophistication. In fact, any sophistication in their music is due to the incorporation of the acoustic guitars, classical composition, and jazz textures.
SADUDE said:
The way sophisticated was initially used by whomever that brought it into the thread, leads me to believe that it includes social acceptance. I am more ashamed of the social baggage that comes with metal than the actual product itself. The image that metalheads have created. However, others behavior does not effect my listening experience. I don't need to hear any cliche live and let live type comments either. I will never defend metal or preach it because it is just as rediculous ideologically as anything else. I like metal but it has many flaws. It is without a doubt another form of pop music. Pop for angry suburban white kids. Just like rap is pop for angry minorities, and suburban white kids who think they're minorities. The main attack on here can be fully understood through watching the fans on the newest slayer dvd. The people who believe in the mystic power of the mighty dragonswordflame. The people who eat steele and shit metal. THe people who listen to usurper for reasons other than comic relief... Come on people admit that metal is just angst, unless we're talking rhapsody. In that case it is probably sexual frustration.
Sadude, you've hit the nail on the head. It's a delicate concept to adequately explain, but I think a lot of the cultural refinement and classy-ness that comes with the delicate tinking of a jazz pianist or the evocative serenade of a symphony playing Vivaldi is lost in metal due to the Neanderthal approach towards the music and the stereotype associated as a result. And no matter what, that is how it will remain. Metal will always be minor in the grand scope and scheme of music history, because its culture is not rooted in the sophistication required to gain a foothold in the annals of history.

Even if all metalheads began wearing formal dress and headbanging/crowdsurfing/moshing was eliminated, the stereotype of extreme behavior being ubiquitously found hand in hand with extreme music would remain steadfast. As sad as it may be.

As long as I'm young, I'll don the metal tees, I'll speak the metal speak, and I'll go home and turn the In Flames and Godsmack CDs high. But when it's time to raise a family, or become a member of sophisticated human society, the noise must go to the place all guilty pleasures go.

The proverbial attic.
Sculpted Cold, i am very concerned with your beliefs. The position you take is a sound one, but one with a slippery slope. By stripping one of ones unique individuality, and own unique beliefs, you also strip them of their humanity- they become nothing more than an ant or a bee. And ants and bees are easily expendible. Everyone is quite different, they have unique experiences and memories, they look at the world a different way.
But isn't a person made up by a combination of genetics and their surroundings, nothing more?

Also, ants and bees don't destroy the world like humans. It just depends on whether you value every human's happiness over the things humans are destroying, i.e. the planet. Those without moral values, such as our friend Demiurge, would say that the more idiotic humans are expendible, and may even support their extermination.

You DO realize that most music (other than jazz and classical music) nowadays is built around pop structuctures, right?
But not all metal, which is what most people seem to be missing.
anonymousnick2001 said:
In fact, any sophistication in their music is due to the incorporation of the acoustic guitars, classical composition, and jazz textures.
So you agree, that if metal bands incorporate classical composition into their 'noise', they are then sophisticated?