why does jonas suck so much live

Vincent J. said:
I think this says enough:)

"just check out that youtube video that features kata playing the first half of "July""
oooh, I didn't know about that *runs*

edit: http://youtube.com/watch?v=-TFJggTp_mM there is it... I have to say his voice doesn't sound weak at all! it's really great...

Your joking? I love Katatonia alot, they are one of the strongest most original and consistant acts in todays modern metal. But honestly that doesnt sound great at all.
jonas sounds better on record than in concert. his live performance is good still from what i have heard, but he could have more of a stage presence. he just doesn't move around enough and get people excited.
if he danced around would that be true to katatonia and the stye in which he sings? I think not.
jonas doesn't have to (and really shouldn't) dance. but that doesn't mean he he has to stand still and not seem really involved. you can sing depressing songs and still have a stage presence without moving around a whole lot- eg. john holmes from paradise lost. aaron from my dying bride puts on a show for instance, though it might not be to everyone's taste. i enjoyed watching him sing (rather than just hearing him) even though it was a little cheesy in parts.
yeah, jonas was stiff the whole show. i also couldn't really see his face tbh, his hair was covering it the whole time.
D3v4S7A710N said:
What does 'kvlt' mean? I've been seeing it for so long, just have no clue what it means.



I hope that horgh gives you the most tr00 skullfucking that you shall ever recieve, and when he spooges onto your brain, you will thank him for his gr1mness, and you then shall learn the meaning of kvlt.
all_sins_undone said:
yeah, jonas was stiff the whole show. i also couldn't really see his face tbh, his hair was covering it the whole time.
man , if you were there just to see jona's face i feel sorry for you, damn it ...
no_reply said:
man , if you were there just to see jona's face i feel sorry for you, damn it ...
JUST to see his face? i just wrote about 5 posts in this thread explaining why i didnt feel his performance was good, and you come up with this shit? come on dumbass, use your head. and also, considering i'd never seen jonas in real life before, it wouldnt have been so much to ask to see his face.
Basically I reckon Jonas is too shy and reserved to be an effective frontman. His vocals have always been fine when I've seen them, but it takes away from the live experience when he just stands in one place and tries to hide behind his hair.