Why is Dimmu Borgir disliked in Ultimate Metal?

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Iron Chef Sakai

New Metal Member
Jan 23, 2007
Kitchen Stadium
I noticed all over Ultimate Metal forums that Dimmu is pretty unpopular around here. Why is that? Is it because they're not legit black metal or what? What gives?

And I'm asking this while listening to Enthrone Darkness Triuphant album. I think the music they do is not so bad. Well...
I like them.. and don't give a fuck what others think about them... but as for the ones who don't like them... alot spew off elitist rhetoric and can't think for themselves... they are followers... if you read what they say it's like a line by line copy from the Elitists book of oaths or something... as for Dimmu... they aren't BM anymore but I think they are a good and/or decent Metal band... Mainstream in the underground but not mainstream in the general public...
They are good, cradle is good, people consider them utter crap for some bullshit "hate bandwagon" reason. If you enjoy them listen to them, EDT is one of their better albums, to me it gets a bit over the top with the symphonic stuff sometimes but they are not untalented shits. And i suggest listening to the principle of evil made flesh by cradle.
this thread will go nowhere. fans will generalize that if you dont like the band, then you're elitist and just jumping on the bandwagon. haters will say they suck.

as for me, their music is simply not interesting. much better bands doing the symphonic thing.
I like them.. and don't give a fuck what others think about them... but as for the ones who don't like them... alot spew off elitist rhetoric and can't think for themselves... they are followers... if you read what they say it's like a line by line copy from the Elitists book of oaths or something... as for Dimmu... they aren't BM anymore but I think they are a good and/or decent Metal band... Mainstream in the underground but not mainstream in the general public...

Exactly. Same thing with Power Metal here, but as you can see, I am a blatant fan. Why are you so concerned about what other people may or may not like? Its music, that's all. Listen to what you like.
I like Dimmu Borgir, and I don't care about the commercial crap or what people think about them. I know why people hate them and I hold no grudges because of that. As for people who are go-go fanboiz for DCA and haven't heard much of their back-catalogue, I find them to be annoying.

And of course, the only reason I'm getting the new album is Vortex.
this thread will go nowhere. fans will generalize that if you dont like the band, then you're elitist and just jumping on the bandwagon. haters will say they suck.

as for me, their music is simply not interesting. much better bands doing the symphonic thing.


ps- Do you use slsk with the username jaydot? because if not, somebody is out there stealing your e-identity.
i like em. they dont have to be trve black metal to be a good band. they are good at what they do.

ps- Do you use slsk with the username jaydot? because if not, somebody is out there stealing your e-identity.

no. ive never done that soulseek, torrent stuff.

as for symphonic black metal, some of you might want to try GOlden Dawn's "The Art of Dreaming".
Some black metal fans are shallow. The minute they see a t-shirt sold at hot topic they immediately dismiss them.Chances are most of the time that deep down inside they still like them.
Personally i think the new one is just ok, but enthrone and purintanical are killer. Cant wait to see them live in may at the hob chicago show! Anyone else going to see them?
Why the hell do all fans of the band insist that those who say that they don't like them must secretly still like them but won't admit it because they're elitists?
Why the hell do all fans of the band insist that those who say that they don't like them must secretly still like them but won't admit it because they're elitists?
Just saying that i know alot of black metal fans and the majority of them will dismiss the band the minute they get big and purposely find an obscure band from greece or something to worship instead.
Just from personal experience but my buddies are all douchebags anyways so
I'm sure there are tons of faggots like that, but people like you seem to entirely dismiss the notion that people could genuinely find the band to be shit, as if they're so amazing that surely anyone who says that he doesn't like them must be lying.
I'm sure there are tons of faggots like that, but people like you seem to entirely dismiss the notion that people could genuinely find the band to be shit, as if they're so amazing that surely anyone who says that he doesn't like them must be lying.

good point
if they genuinely think the band has turned to shit...then fine.
No skin off my sack. Regardless, i dont know about you but i can see right through the posers.
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