Why Jews and Arabs are mortal enemies

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Apr 17, 2005
Another finding, paradoxical but unsurprising, is that by the yardstick of the Y chromosome, the world's Jewish communities closely resemble not only each other but also Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese, suggesting that all are descended from a common ancestral population that inhabited the Middle East some four thousand years ago.

Dr. Lawrence H. Schiffman, chairman of the department of Hebrew and Judaic Studies at New York University, said the study fit with historical evidence that Jews originated in the Near East and with biblical evidence suggesting that there were a variety of families and types in the original population. He said the finding would cause "a lot of discussion of the relationship of scientific evidence to the manner in which we evaluate long-held academic and personal religious positions," like the question of who is a Jew.


Essentially, they are different branches of the same genetic group, and have crossbred in the past. This means that each group is at great risk of being assimilated by the other (alternate places this occurs: South Germany/France, Korea/Japan, Russia/Poland) and therefore are at war and have constantly been at war and will always be at war until one side wins.
Yes, and there are far more Arabs than Jews in the Middle East, yet the Jews easily oppress the Arabs. In Israel itself it is predicted that, due to high Arab birthrate, Arabs will outnumber Jews within 20 years. Will the Jews allow this to happen? I think not. Most likely some excuse will be found for chucking them out of the country.

One possible scenario: Jews support a far-right nationalist party in Europe (or more than one). Secretly fund/organise the party on their terms, with a particular stress on making that party anti-Muslim. Get that party into a sufficient level of power whereby the policy of repatriating Muslims and/or halting Muslim immigration can realistically become policy. (There will be no difficulty in getting popular approval for this). Once a European country has decided to eject its Muslims, it becomes socially acceptable. Then Israel can follow suit.

Of course they might not bother with this and just chuck them out of Israel and say "so what are you going to do about it?" when other nations protest that it is cruel racist behaviour. After all, they get away with running the world's biggest concentration camp full of Arabs in appalling conditions at the moment and nothing ever comes of all the UN sanctions, that are passed and not acted on.
indeed. and, interestingly enough, western media accepts this as a ’neutral’ state. the admittedly horrible suicide falafel killings ended up described in one prominent english newspaper as ending ’months of relative calm’. continual shelling and killings of palestinians = relative calm??? :erk:
کوڈانشی said:
indeed. and, interestingly enough, western media accepts this as a ’neutral’ state. the admittedly horrible suicide falafel killings ended up described in one prominent english newspaper as ending ’months of relative calm’. continual shelling and killings of palestinians = relative calm??? :erk:

And then the Israelis had the nerve to come across all passive and say that they wouldn't retaliate for that suicide bombing!
Mortal enemies? Not really. At least they weren't untill the US made 2 different peace treaties and promised the Gaza to both Israël and the Palestinians. The problem here is that both act upon a promise made to them, and in this case they are both right.
The Jews and Arabs weren't mortal enemies until Israel was created and until the Arabs actually realised that Israelis are Jews - which surprisingly many didn't even understand until quite recently, from what I have heard. But now it is clear that they are mortal enemies. What right has America to promise Gaza to anyone especially when they are not going to back it up with military force? America is on Israel's side. Israel seems to tell America what to do, not the other way around.
The Hebrew v Arab struggle actually goes back to the biblical times. Too bad I forgot everything I ever learned in Hebrew School. (Yes, my family's Jewish.)
Ptah Khnemu said:
The Hebrew v Arab struggle actually goes back to the biblical times. Too bad I forgot everything I ever learned in Hebrew School. (Yes, my family's Jewish.)

Interesting that your family is Jewish. What is your faith now? Do you still feel strong loyalties towards the Jewish people? Are you Zionist ? (IMO it is best that Israel exists because every people should have a homeland, so technically that makes me a Zionist.) What do you think about the supremacist and racist aspects of Judaism? There is much to be admired about Judaism (and much to criticise as well). It has been a very successful religion for the Jews, helping them to survive as a group for thousands of years (even though it was also the cause of "persecution", which has repeatedly resulted in many deaths) and has allowed them the position of dominance in the world that they have today.
Norsemaiden said:
(IMO it is best that Israel exists because every people should have a homeland, so technically that makes me a Zionist.)

Me too. I'd also like Arab peoples to have autonomy in their own homelands without the nuclear threat of Israel.

New US Foreign Policy for Palestine: Starvation


By Mike Whitney

05/08/06 "ICH" -- -- The United States and Israel have finally agreed on a plan to resolve the decades-long Israel-Palestine conflict. Israel will continue lobbing missiles into civilian areas of Gaza and the West Bank while the US cuts off food and other vital aid to the territories. That way they can maximize the human suffering while preparing the people for a violent death.

This is not what Palestinians bargained for when they accepted the western-model of democracy.

The Road Map has become a cul de sac of aggression, subjugation and outright murder.

I wonder how many Palestinians would have stayed home if they knew how they’d be treated for voting for the party of their choice?

Presently, Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza are experiencing what United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) John Ging calls, “the countdown to a humanitarian crisis”. In a wanton act of collective punishment, Palestinians are being deprived of food, money and access to the outside world. As Jimmy Carter says in his article, “Punishing the Innocent is a Crime” “Overwhelmingly (the victims) are school teachers, nurses, social workers, police officers, farm families, who are just hoping for a better life”.

Their crime?

They voted for the wrong party; the party that will not fulfill its primary obligation to act as Israel’s security apparatus in the territories.

Americans won’t believe this, but the vote for Hamas was actually a vote for peace. Palestinians were sick of the ineffectiveness and corruption of the PA and wanted a change. That certainly doesn’t imply they were offering their support for terrorism; quite the contrary. As Carter notes, “Public opinion polls conducted after the January parliamentary election shows that 80% of Palestinians still want a peace agreement with Israel based on the international road map premises.”
It seems that the US is contradicting it's belief in Democracy when they cut the funds off the Palestinies.
The majority in Palestine voted for Hammas thats Democracy, then again the world calles Hammas terrorist for killing civilians through suicide bombings, but not the Israeli army who kills and injures Palestinies on a daily basis.
besides all western media is taking the side of America thus the side of Israel, and unfortunatly Palestine nor the Arabs can actually use the media properly

There has always been hatred between Arabs and Israeli (Jews), their history is so entangled to the extent that no compromises will be made by either sides.
im tired of people talking bad about the jews. they went threw enough. they arent our mortal enemy. shit, look at chuck schuldiner, look at scott ian. those are metal icons that happen to be jewish. god give the jews a break.
Consuming Impulse said:
im tired of people talking bad about the jews. they went threw enough. they arent our mortal enemy. shit, look at chuck schuldiner, look at scott ian. those are metal icons that happen to be jewish. god give the jews a break.

He's right I'm Jewish and yet none of my friends knew it wasnt a "massive" part of who I was and I fufilled none of the stereotypes. Mike Portnoy and Jordan Ruddess are also Jewish.

Plus I am on holiday in Israel for the year and I'm telling you right now as someone who is actually living in the country you are criticising talking about/whatever that Muslims and Jews ARE NOT MORTAL ENEMIES, I'm friends with plenty of Muslims and they are great people, everything you hear on the news is mere propoganda, neither side is completely in the right or in the wrong.

Americans won’t believe this, but the vote for Hamas was actually a vote for peace. Palestinians were sick of the ineffectiveness and corruption of the PA and wanted a change.
I agree completely, although I did watch an arab polition saying he didnt take sides but he certainly wasnt going to condem Hamas for the suicide bombings, which is fucking just wrong!
if you believe in Judeo-Christian Muslim Theology this is what happened...

Abraham, the father of the Jews, had a wife named Sara who couldn't bear him children, so Abraham had sex with his servent and she gave birth to Ishmael who, after Sara gave birth to Isaac, was cast out and became the forebearer of the 12 Arab tribes... Of course he wasn't a Muslim but it was believed that the Arabs were destined to become Muslims...

Then of course theres all that modern junk where everyone just needs to admit there wrongs and live peacably...
the probablem i have with this thread is that you are making racist comments. now im an aithest and proud but i hate racist people with a passion. And you people ranting on jews are getting on my last nerve.
Consuming Impulse said:
the probablem i have with this thread is that you are making racist comments. now im an aithest and proud but i hate racist people with a passion. And you people ranting on jews are getting on my last nerve.

You say bad stuff I dont like u make me offesne. dont hate im just sayin IMO.
the hatred in between Arab countries and Israel, not the Jews.
Consuming Impulse, you say that Jews have sufferd a lot and the media propaganda and enough of the stereotypes, what about whats happening to the Muslims, isn't now Muslim another word for terrorist???isn't that stereotyping??isn't that media propaganda???
I havent seen any racism in this topic? I think your a little confused, people are merely discussing politics and countries I dont think anyone here is that stupid.
There had been no racism on this thread until Consuming Impulse came along and basicallly said that criticism of the Israeli policy in Palestine is racist. Think about it. So basically if you object to Israel's brutal Nazi-like treatment of the Palestinians you are actually being racist against Jews! Saying that has 2 effects, firstly Jews who really object to Israeli policy feel they can't object as they would be called traitors, and secondly, more importantly, to criticise what the Israeli government does is being called racist against Jews - implicating all Jews in the crime. So the result is that Consuming Impulse has confirmed the view that it is Jewish behaviour (not Israeli) and made it so we must choose either to not criticise their atrocities (for fear of being called racist) or that we just go ahead and object anyway and get called a racist. I'm seriously starting to think that calling anyone "racist" is a meaningless term used by aggressive morons.

Quote from an Israeli newspaper article


"The habit of tarring any foreign criticism with the brush of anti-Semitism is deeply engrained in Israeli political instincts: Ariel Sharon used it with characteristic excess but he was only the latest in a long line of Israeli leaders to exploit the claim. David Ben-Gurion and Golda Meir did no different. But Jews outside of Israel pay a high price for this tactic. Not only does it inhibit their own criticisms of Israel for fear of appearing to associate with bad company, but it encourages others to look upon Jews everywhere as de facto collaborators in Israel's misbehavior. When Israel breaks international law in the occupied territories, when Israel publicly humiliates the subject populations whose land it has seized - but then responds to its critics with loud cries of "anti-Semitism" - it is in effect saying that these acts are not Israeli acts, they are Jewish acts: The occupation is not an Israeli occupation, it is a Jewish occupation, and if you don't like these things it is because you don't like Jews. "
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