Why listen to depressing music?


Fretbuzz Virtuoso
Jul 12, 2002
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well, I listen to a lot of depressing/dark music. I can't explain why it appeals to me so much. So why does one listen to sad stuff, although not being depressed at all? are we all psycho?
There is a nice post about it on the Katatonia forum.

But... anyway.

i usually listen to depresive music becose it makes me feel... humm.. like if i'm not alone, and somebody else understands me, and it hapens that this person wrote a song about it.

Depresion its one of the most tr00 feelings.
I just lead a fuckin' miserable life at the moment so I don't particularly listen to much other than Death Metal, Jazz, Classica, Trip Hop and Drum n Bass so I don't end up shitting myself up.

But I also have no clue as to why I enjoy depressing music.
I think darkness, depression, violence, anger etc are all very human emotions, they are a strong part of everyone of us. Depressing music consoles and feeds off these very normal human emotions and states of mind. Life is depressing, a never ending cycle of pain and suffering- but also a cycle of simple pleasures, joys, periodic happiness.
I find that depressing music helps me to get my feelings out better, like when im writing in my journal or whatever. I completely agree with what speed said. Aggressive music is often needed though to balance things out lol
First off, I'll say that if the music is good I will listen to it. That being said...

I find I can associate with it. My life has been very depressing in the past, and I'm doing much better now. But knowing I'm not alone in this world gives me some comfort to know that someone knows the pain I've experienced.
I try to stay away from very depressing music ..makes me sad.. but then again i usually end up listening to it.
A combination of Conclave Obscurum, Speed and None So Vile's reasons plus this... Basically I like realy emotional music, whatever that emoition may be. However, people are usally at their most emoitional when the negative emotions arrise and therefore they make the best, most emoitional music. Happy music on the other hand is usally made at moments when people are not at extreem emotional peaks leading to this music not usally being as good. However some of the most beautiful music is music that seems like its someone getting out of a depression and joy is at a peak (first example that comes to mind is Billy Corgan and Zwan. After years of depression Billy finally finds joy in his life and releases a genuinaly joyous album).
speed said:
I think darkness, depression, violence, anger etc are all very human emotions, they are a strong part of everyone of us. Depressing music consoles and feeds off these very normal human emotions and states of mind. Life is depressing, a never ending cycle of pain and suffering- but also a cycle of simple pleasures, joys, periodic happiness.
If i may make an observation, does anyone else notice that those who hate depressing things be it movies music etc, are usually those that are actually horribly depressed themselves. I went out with a few girls that hated my choice of music becuase of how depressing it is( if it isnt metal, its stuff like sigor ros or radiohead), but fuck, it turns out these chicks are so depressed inside it was sad and hopeless. Just an example and observation, i dont think it is always true.
There's a difference between 'depressing' music and 'dark' music. I think that most metal falls into the latter rather than the former. I find that most people who are truly depressed will find that they relate to rock songs about relationships fucking up etc, not metal songs. Obviously this isn't true with everybody.

Why do I listen to this type of music? I enjoy the atmosphere it portrays, the intelligence that seems to go hand in hand with it, and most of all - I love the way it sounds. I tend to like things to have a dark tinge to them, whether it's books or games or films, and metal is the musical equivalent.
i cant really relate, the music i listen to i dont listen to in order to understand some deep emotional meaning, i listen to music because i like the way it sounds, and plus i dont really get all taht depressed, i go to school have a great day and play around with all my freinds and im pretty popular, and then i go after school and play golf with freinds or sometimes alone, my lifes pretty good.
Life Sucks said:
And what CD would that be? I'm just curious. I love depressing music.
"Sun That Never Sets" by Neurosis. Its an absolute must have. It is by far the most depressed and hopeless sounding album I have ever heard, but with a slightly uplifting (but certainly not happy) end. Nothing short of brilliance.