Wintersun opinions?

I hear a lot of people talk about how well written and deep his lyrics are and it just goes over my head. When I was first getting into metal I listened to similar bands like Children of Bodom, Ensiferum, and Kalmah, but I could never really enjoy Wintersun.
I have this habit of not listening to really fucking horrible and gay stupid fucking faggot music, so I've never heard Wintersun before. I just went to their myspace though, and this is really fucking horrible and gay stupid fucking faggot music. This is so fucking stupid. This is cartoon, video game music bullshit. And I don't mean video game music like music made for video games. This is music made by people who listen to video game music and want their fucking song to be in Guitar Hero. This is a mockery and a defacement of what makes metal a viable form of music. This is some of the worst, most horrible, cartoonish, most bullshit 'metal' I've ever heard in my life. This music makes me want to punch my testicles off. When they're not being fucking video game characters racing through retarded chord progressions with useless melodies played behind them, they're meandering through HORRIBLE, completely fucking abysmal, sappy, saccharine 'emotional' passages that are so completely shallow and transparent that I can't possibly believe that these musicians take themselves seriously. I almost expect to hear an incidental bout of laughter at some point as the musicians can't contain themselves, but their music is so computer generated that I'm sure the laughter was promptly pro tooled out. This is damn near everything that could go wrong with a metal band rolled into a giant fucking flaming ball of faggotry.

Edit: Why would anyone waste their time listening to this? Listen to Magma from France or Mahavishnu Orchestra if you want "technicality." This shit is made and marketed specifically for the retarded.

Edit 2: This is Poochie from The Simpsons Metal

Edit 3:
Dodens Grav: "There has come again unexpected problems with technology, which will make finishing the "Time" album even more harder than it has been. Which will delay it even more."

Dodens Grav: Wintersun can only be stopped by the confines of modern technology

superwanbini: that would imply that they're creative in some way

superwanbini: I imagine that they tracked so many bullshit leads that the harddrive crashed and everything was erased
Fucking love Wintersun. I'm getting sick of waiting for Time though....hopefully this year.
I have this habit of not listening to really fucking horrible and gay stupid fucking faggot music, so I've never heard Wintersun before. I just went to their myspace though, and this is really fucking horrible and gay stupid fucking faggot music. This is so fucking stupid. This is cartoon, video game music bullshit. And I don't mean video game music like music made for video games. This is music made by people who listen to video game music and want their fucking song to be in Guitar Hero. This is a mockery and a defacement of what makes metal a viable form of music. This is some of the worst, most horrible, cartoonish, most bullshit 'metal' I've ever heard in my life. This music makes me want to punch my testicles off. When they're not being fucking video game characters racing through retarded chord progressions with useless melodies played behind them, they're meandering through HORRIBLE, completely fucking abysmal, sappy, saccharine 'emotional' passages that are so completely shallow and transparent that I can't possibly believe that these musicians take themselves seriously. I almost expect to hear an incidental bout of laughter at some point as the musicians can't contain themselves, but their music is so computer generated that I'm sure the laughter was promptly pro tooled out. This is damn near everything that could go wrong with a metal band rolled into a giant fucking flaming ball of faggotry.

Holy shit I fucking lol'd
I have this habit of not listening to really fucking horrible and gay stupid fucking faggot music, so I've never heard Wintersun before. I just went to their myspace though, and this is really fucking horrible and gay stupid fucking faggot music. This is so fucking stupid. This is cartoon, video game music bullshit. And I don't mean video game music like music made for video games. This is music made by people who listen to video game music and want their fucking song to be in Guitar Hero. This is a mockery and a defacement of what makes metal a viable form of music. This is some of the worst, most horrible, cartoonish, most bullshit 'metal' I've ever heard in my life. This music makes me want to punch my testicles off. When they're not being fucking video game characters racing through retarded chord progressions with useless melodies played behind them, they're meandering through HORRIBLE, completely fucking abysmal, sappy, saccharine 'emotional' passages that are so completely shallow and transparent that I can't possibly believe that these musicians take themselves seriously. I almost expect to hear an incidental bout of laughter at some point as the musicians can't contain themselves, but their music is so computer generated that I'm sure the laughter was promptly pro tooled out. This is damn near everything that could go wrong with a metal band rolled into a giant fucking flaming ball of faggotry.

So...are you saying you DON'T like it???

Jesus Jumpin Christ...
Never seen Dodens explode like that... Anyway,I enjoy them, and found their first album interesting. Beautiful Death is a great track, while Death and the Healing would be awesome live. Don't see quite how they deserve all this shit - far worse bands around.
That doesn't even make sense.

Also, don't get all mad at me just because I don't like a band you like. I just listened to them last night so I could have a legitimate opinion of them instead of just ignoring them and assuming that I wouldn't like them (which I was right). For the record I would rather listen to Ensiferum.