Wishlist European Tour


Nov 13, 2006

I'm new on this forum and would like to start a thread about the playlist for the European Tour. I can understand that not all will be possible.
Is it also possible to post the real playlist from every gig ?

These are my favourites :
Intro :Before the Wind
For every leaf that falls
Harmony Divine
Last God
In memories Past
Not the Strong
Dark field for Brilliance
The Pale Haunt Departure
Swallowed by the Sun
Encore : Dark World Burden/Silent Tomorrow

This makes a total of +/- 70 minutes which i think will be realistic for the gig in Biebob Belgium.
So a female singer will be necessary ;-)
So should us American fans who have seen the band perform spill the beans on what material is usually played versus what is not, or should we let them be surprised?

Let's see some more suggestions!!

Oh, and the song is actually entitled, "Swallowed By The Moon" :)
Yeah, correct "Swallowed by the moon" LOL

I forgot one song "Drown the inland mere"

Do they have a female singer in the us gigs ?

now playing "Drown the inland mere"
:lol: Yes, I figured as such.....

No, they do not have a female singer in the band.
You can use deductive reasoning to determine whether or not then if they perform songs that featured female vocals live. :)
I want to hear.. :)

Autumn Reflection..
Through A Child Eyes..
Not The Strong..
Drown The Inland Mere..
Another New Song..
Dark Fields For Brilliance (although that won't happen *sigh* )
some more of the new album..
For Every Leaf That falls..
Lost in a Day..
Dark World Burden..
A few songs from the Knowing..
Swallowed By The Moon..
The Pale Haunt Departure..

@Wolftribe: Will you just shut up about Torn :lol:
I really love that song! :p

Oh,and I'll try to make some pics with my crappy camera Fridaynight!!
I'm also looking forward to hear and see Agalloch,Saturnus and Thurisaz Play!.. :)
Angeleyes' list definitely comes closest so far, but a few of those are not gonna happen for obvious reasons (no keyboards, no female vocalist, etc.) so yeah you can use deductive reasoning there....

Oeyenjo, welcome to the forum! Unfortunately, I know there's people who are fans of the older ND style with the female vocals but we don't have a female vocalist and haven't for a while now, and won't likely have one anytime soon. It's a part of our past we're proud of but we've moved on now, and I think we do pretty well without one anyhow ;) You'll have to be the judge of that for yourself though I guess....
just invite Dan Swanö over for a few shows. He can sure hit those high notes.... anybody here remembers STEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL!!!!!! ? :P

besides then he can also play his solo :D