Woa this was just asome


Latin, NOT Mexican.
Oct 11, 2001
My House.
I bought the DT DVD Yesterday ( yes i finally have a job and actually mean i buy it and not just leeched it away ) and something that never happened before to me with music happened. I was watching the bootleg version of punish my heaven and there i was watching the chaos, the people, the band and at the same time relating it to some recent stuff ive been reading ( check SoT ) and at the SAME time i was remembering the days of old when i used to cover the song with my mind, it was almost as if there was so much things going on my mind and yet i could manage it all clearly, just like the song...

Then when i hear all the people choring away the melodies and then the breakdown i was brought to tears...it was just so damn powerfull and beautifull at the same time...

This is the first time i was ever brought to tears by actual music, and i still cant make sense of why. This is freaking me out but in the good way you know?

Anyway i just thought of bringing this up to see if i am not the only crazy fuck crying to death metal, anybody else?
:) i might cry to the thought of someone crying to dt. :)

actually, i do get very emotional at times when listening to dark tranquillity. no other death metal band works this way for me though. in other styles it's easier to affect me on that level, while melo-death i mostly find either energetic or something to listen to wide-eyed and amazed.
I don't know - shouldn't you better ask 'is there anybody who does NOT get moved to tears by some certain music'?
Maybe not everyone will own up to actual TEARS but I think everybody experiences sth very powerful, otherwise what's the point listening?
I often cry in gigs, I get TERRIBLY moved when the crowd begins singing, it's so magical.
I've never been to a DT concert though... (PITY ME!)
This could be something SCAAAARRRYYYYYY!
DT is simply magic (the magic that a name would stain ;) ). I haven't cried while listening to them but their music certainly touches me in a way that no other band does.
Its funny, Im probably just a really emotional guy but When I got Anaal Nathraks album codex necro I cried. I couldnt wait to hear it and I was in an insanely hateful mood so I lit up some candels and put it on my walkaman. The opening track just felt so tr00 on the first listening that I was brought to tears.
Cry rating: :cry: :cry: :cry:
3 waahs out of 5

Then when I was watching Dark Tranquillity DVD and Imagining what it would be like to see them live in the flesh I just couldn't take it. I felt overwhelmed. I honestly can't imagine what would happen to me If I saw them at a club or something... Its like their music completes me when I hear it on CD... just what would it do to me If I witnessed it live?
Cry rating: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
4 waahs outof 5

Also the other day I was watching the Nemo Video for Nightwish and I was so happy that a power metal band from finland was getting quality air play here in the UK. I also Imagined what seeing them live would be like (which Im going to in a months time :Flameon: ) and I came very close to tears.
Cry rating: :cry:
1 waah out of 5
The greatest musical moment I had was the first time I listened to Pink Floyd's Wish You Were Here. It was given to me one year for Christmas and I was told it was my late father's favorite album. I sat in my room and wept listening to it.
@s4r: most of your stories concerning that time and event make me think the world is a very unfair place, even though rationally i have no idea what is and is not fair. :cry:

save yourself by sensefield is one of the saddest and most tears-inducing songs i've heard.
rahvin said:
@s4r: most of your stories concerning that time and event make me think the world is a very unfair place, even though rationally i have no idea what is and is not fair. :cry:
There certainly isn't a universal measure of fairness, not by any stretch of the imagination. Interestingly though, I'd say that as a 2-year old the death of my father was "unfair" but in retrospect "proper," I think that's the word I want. For reasons I won't bother explaining at 8am it was only a matter of time for him.

Anekdoten's Longing is pure musical torment/beauty.
King Chaos said:
On Mine is the grandeur... does anyone else feel truly moved by the timpanni and how it builds up under the acoustic guitars?
Hey, look at my sig! But i don't know what timpanni is - I really don't. Can you tell me? I"ll have a day of education today.
I get affected whilst listening to classical the most, somehow it just seems much more moving than any other music.

This is the ultimate sad song for me; np: Samuel Barber - Adagio For Strings (02:09/06:53)
Timpani are tuned drums. They're not set tuned... that is, you can change the note that they play rather easily. They then have a pedal that has a similar effect to bending a string on a guitar.

I like playing drums.
Well since we're all confessing our crying...

I don't think I ever actually cried while listening to DT, but the first time I heard them was when I put in Skydancer, and I was sitting there with my headphones reading the lyrics while listening. I thought A Bolt of Blazing Gold was one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard, espectially the acoustic outro... I was just incredibly moved, maybe crying (I don't remember). But I have been moved to tears from the shear beauty of a piece of music before.

But I sometimes cry when I listen to Opeth's My Arms, Your Hearse all the way through. Not necessarily for the guy's specific story in the songs, but the end where he's realized he's got nothing left to stay on earth for, and he must face his final destiny... Well that makes me think of my own mortality and death and that makes me cry every time. :erk: The imagery in the lyrics makes vivid impressions on my mind.
Darkness Eternal said:
Timpani are tuned drums. They're not set tuned... that is, you can change the note that they play rather easily. They then have a pedal that has a similar effect to bending a string on a guitar.

I like playing drums.
Its also totally not a kettle drum.

Did you ever do those upward rolls with the pedal? That pwns