women who hate other women

-->from my experience i think women hate each other much more than men do.

yes its something like that, still I don't know the exact reason even if I'm a girl... (and yes there are ones I don't like, but I don't HATE them --especially not for the way they look like, that's totally silly--)

-->i dunno why, but i've never made such nasty comments about a girl compared to the ones i've listened to being made between girls, quite oftenly too. "the little bitch/that fuckin slut/etc."

I wish I had more ppl like you around me. I know much like the ones you said as well and imo those ones are really doing wrong only to themselves in my eyes by doing this. the ones they hate luckily just laugh on this nursery-kid-behaving

-->many girls have also told me they make friendships with men much easier than with other girls. oh well.

one day I was thinking of this and I got to a silly reason. the most of these friendships were like later it turned out that the man didn't want to get a new friend, but a girlfriend, only the girl got the point wrong
(being a man) what do you think? I don't claim it's the true reason but there were some like these that I saw
and by the way who is that scary person in the pic. Looks like the damn Jehova who was knockin on my door this morning. i hav no problem with religions but i do like to sleep in occasionally + imagine having to wake up to that breathing at your door
hm, if I dont like someone it has nothing to do with if its a male or female, its just cause I dont like the person for some reasons... there are some behaviours in men I dont like and some in women, but in general I dont make big differences... I have a few girlfriends who are really pretty too, imo most prettiest I've ever seen and I dont have a problem with it really... other way round, I even like it so I have a few nice models to take pics of hehe ;)
well can't hide the past I was kinda good at hating all the women for something one did, but thank god I grew out of it... looking back I only did damage to myself (thankfully not to others) and of course nothig became better with this foolish hating

long ago my history teacher said hating any kind of a bigger group of people is just equal with racism. maybe a bit too strong, but there's something in it. what do you think?
@loona I think everyone can live times like that... had that too, when I was teenager and so unsure of myself, well I hated not women in generall, more like lots of people... at the end I saw its the wrong way... I think everyone pass this but u have to see further... the more u feel bad with urself the more u start to hate others thats how I experienced it...
sol83 said:

aye. and fist fighting. i tell 'em but they wont listen. they dont get it out like.

Actually there's massive problems with girl-gangs terrorising and beating up other girls among the Danish youth today, maybe they're learning. Doesn't seem to be working though, beer is the only hope.
Ladies, why do you want to fall for the stereotypes? Can't you see men are making fun of you?

Buuuuuuuullshit, men talk shit about women just the way they talk shit about each other behind each other's back, just the way women talk shit about women just the way they talk shit about each other behind each other's back. If two women like/love each other, they're already lesbians, if two men, they're good friends? Wakie uppie :wave:
DragonLady1 said:
the more u feel bad with urself the more u start to hate others thats how I experienced it...

something like that. you once find yourself blaming others for the problems you have, and blame them for not solving them, but it's you who has to...

the other thing I get sick of is hating others for like he or she likes something you don't. like other musical style. I had this several times with my best friend, that ppl came and asked us how can we like each other when I look like a rocker or what and she wears pink most of the time. the worst is that you can't change these ppl by yourself, you can only forget the things they say quickly. you see I can't start to tell tales about we were around 7 when we became best friends and we almost didn't know what music is... not to mention I really get angry when someone talks shit about the ppl I like in front of me
Dhatura said:
Ladies, why do you want to fall for the stereotypes? Can't you see men are making fun of you?

maybe ur right and I/we didn't get the point, but I don't like jokes like that. couldn't we just talk about real things without irony in them, and having to search which one is the fun-making...
Loona said:
maybe ur right and I/we didn't get the point, but I don't like jokes like that. couldn't we just talk about real things without irony in them, and having to search which one is the fun-making...

Nope, you didn't get the point at all. Is that straightforward enough?
if you feel not happy, you attack the ones wich are happy.
if you are not popular, you think that pop girls are sluts
that's about not being self confident..

when ı was 15-16 I had that too
I was too young and ı looked like a child more then a woman.
I wanna look sexy but ı was looking just "innocent"
:) now I think it's a nice thing, but back then I hated it..
so I hated "sexy gothic chick" type of women.. not because I really hated them.. but I was so damn jealous
now I don't care.. I like myself, I have nice friends, ı do what ı wanna do, ı don't hate nobody cause more sexy then me, everybody has her own specialty...

but sadly.. there is still women around acting like me 15 yeras old