women who hate other women

i must say that i hate it when women start to act like chickens in a group, thats when i usually leave.. forgive me for that. but generally i dont hate anyone..
Dhatura said:
Ladies, why do you want to fall for the stereotypes? Can't you see men are making fun of you?

Buuuuuuuullshit, men talk shit about women just the way they talk shit about each other behind each other's back, just the way women talk shit about women just the way they talk shit about each other behind each other's back. If two women like/love each other, they're already lesbians, if two men, they're good friends? Wakie uppie :wave:
no, honestly, the comments i've heard by women on other women are much worse than men on women. in the sense that they are much more mean spirited and that. men may often make sexual remarks about women, but i dunno, they dont make them in such a hateful manner, like "die bitch die" kinda thing.
Yeah, and if I think of instances of hatred-flood in my life, they were, well, they were basically motivated by men.

I've never said or thought "die bitch die" but I did think "die bastard die". :D
luckily i don't belong to that 95% . i'd have so many ppl to hate!!! pfff!
mind you , i'm not one of the 5% either......right, seems that i don't exist.....

seriously, i think it's all bullshit, women hating each other more than men. they have different ways of expressing their hate maybe.... or is calling each other "bitch" worse than hitting s.o. in the face?
eh up danny lad whats that all about :eek:
jealously knows no sexual boundries....i'm probably more jealous of blokes than i am on birds.....but thats a different kettle of fish like.
lol maren
yeah, its really not about the sex of a person, if I dont like someone I stay away, its easy, sometimes I might get angry to the person as well or whatever, just be annoyed of what he/she says/writes, but it I dont make a difference for man or woman really...