Why are many women evil?

hmm, I've tended to notice how European men are about two decades behind American men concerning sexism. I'm glad I live here.
Take it easy, Trona, he's joking :)

Btw, I knew a couple of American guys who wouldn't take my heavy bag when we did our shopping, in the name of gender equality (maybe). And I didn't like that, lol. It's all controversy, actually.
:p , I don't get it though. When I was in America all the girls thought I was such a gentleman for holding doors and stuff. Embarrased me really. But then again some people think that's sexist, too. So confusing that sexism theme, sex is much easier.
trona said:
hmm, I've tended to notice how European men are about two decades behind American men concerning sexism. I'm glad I live here.

well, uhm, they're all around... maybe they don't want to be labeled simple and pretend otherwise, but that's just what they are :)
lol i dunno what daft means. but simple means straightforward, among other things. if a man says something, he means it. and women should not try to interpret something in his statement, because he just isn't able to hide something else in his words :)
and if a man switches to standby mode by watching tv or something, women should not be offended if he doesn't react. it's not that he doesn't want to talk to her, it's just that he can't do multiple things at once. plain simple :)