Why are many women evil?

im an insider aye, good old e-arguments never did any harm, and some people need to be reminded a couple of things before acting all jimmy jesus :lol:
mehdi.i.e.e.e said:
im an insider aye, good old e-arguments never did any harm, and some people need to be reminded a couple of things before acting all jimmy jesus :lol:
Thats way over the top Mehdi. Dont take OUR Lords name in vain. He is not involved in this!
Jimmy 'insider' Mohammed! PFF!
mehdi please,i mean,please,if you have something to tell me,do it in private and dont act like the sneaky little rascal of the anathema forum,playing devil's advocate and being ironic to half of the active users on this forum.i think you've taken it too far.everything has its limits.

and i dont think that i have made any insult particularly to you.so i cant see why you keep being the prick you are towards me.

if you are representing someone,please let the rest of the people know as well.they all have brains and its not pleasant for them to read posts they cant understand...

and i am disappointed to notice that you dont know the first thing about ME.i wont be the kid who will play with you in your kindergart...erm ...forum
manly comments are made directly and frankly,not through implications...just for some people who talk about being honest and decent.
sorry for pointing out when people are being e-fake. i wont do it anymore guys, from now on ill try hard to sound like the super clever lad im not and ill only use proper posh english to fit in the current e-fakeness :tickled:
mehdi.i.e.e.e said:
sorry for pointing out when people are being e-fake. i wont do it anymore guys, from now on ill try hard to sound like the super clever lad im not and ill only use proper posh english to fit in the current e-fakeness :tickled:

I would love for you to point out when I'm fake, but please do so clearly so it penetrates my thick skull that that's what you're doing :) . That said, I naturally claim that I'm rarely "fake" and will admit when I am :erk: . ladidadida. Otherwise I'll explain myself.

No reason to be all serious about it though, you're an amusing fellow and I don't mind being the laughing stock, would just like to know why when I am.
Men simply don't like seeing women free , self-actualizing and, thinking of and following their own will first and foremost. This thread reeks of it.
I think men do like to see women free, strong, all of that. So if we are, we should be able to take a challenge surely? I think what anyone, man or woman doesn't want to see are posts that don't make sense really. :)
mehdi.i.e.e.e said:
sorry for pointing out when people are being e-fake. i wont do it anymore guys, from now on ill try hard to sound like the super clever lad im not and ill only use proper posh english to fit in the current e-fakeness :tickled:
no one asked to you "point out when people are being e-fake".you think you are the Ruthless Finger of the Judge?you are only 22 years old and you dont know even half of those persons.Slow down for fuck's sake.if they apparently seem fake according to your "decent" standards or the "unwritten law"of this "e-area",shall they feel very sorry for themselves?what if they feel you are fake?

no one told you to act like a super clever guy or use posh english either.thats bollocks.but it seems that you are so complexed and obsessed about certain stuff ,that certain words or behaviours ring like bells in your head.whatever.

i knew you as a good mate,but it seems that an "e-bee" has bitten you :err:

enough of this bullshite.
i point e-fakeness when i know who i am talking about, how would i talk about people i never ever met heh? so spare me the feminist bollocks tronia or the holier than thou non-sense somnium_in_tenebris :tickled:. the only things im obsessed about are denise richards, dan swano and tatu. so once again, you girls were off side.

Now seriously, I don't think there was any "holier-than-thou" in that post. I really like you, Mehdi, and I find you entertaining most of the time, but the sharp edges of what you say are cutting even my sarcastic senses sometimes, cause so far I haven't seen any post of yours that would contain a balanced remark about the male-female issue. It's either goddess or eviless, which is a bit hmmmm for me.