Why are many women evil?

best said:
I guess many women are tryin to take men under control and rule them. So if you behave girls politely and be a gentleman theyll dump you and go to a boy which is harder to take under control. It is like a game. So you have to balance your actions and be less polite and more rebellious(really cheesey) to your girlfriend, thatll please women.
Damn right. Isnt it a shame that it all has to be so pre-meditated eh? Modern women are spoilt like, and its daft mens fault for falling for their tricks.
Strangelight said:
Sorry but I aint got a clue what you're getting at. I said 'false poetic bullshit' as opposed to realistic honest conversation, relating to the man/woman thing. I was agreeing with Sol like.
If something is fake then it is bullshit (in my own humble estimation)

:Spin: No reason to be sorry :Spin:
Strangelight said:
You mean false poetic bullshit that aint connected to the real world? ;)
poetry? nah. more realistic and less dreamy language maybe. with a dose of sensitivity to avoid being a cold hartless prick. poetry is for the class. and in me head.
the story is simple. women woke up and acted. which is good, cos i don't wanna be surrounded by people saying yes all the time. "yes, i'll wash the dishes. yes, i'll cook. yes, i'll drive the kids to school. yes, i'll suck your cock". women got beaten up by their husbands and the next morning everything was fine. "happiness" all over. and it still happens. how beautiful is that?
sol83 said:
i don't wanna be surrounded by people saying yes all the time. "yes, i'll wash the dishes. yes, i'll cook. yes, i'll drive the kids to school. yes, i'll suck your cock".

i do haha.
I dont think its a matter of sayin yes. They have become more greedy like they wanna dominate you and go to another man. It is like they dont want to be behaved too good.
@Mehdi,Best greed up your arse .what about the greediness of men?that is supported and encouraged by muscular superiority and patriarchic fucken structures?

According to statistics and my everyday estimation on things,its dead more likely to find a man "acting" or cheating his woman than the opposite.same goes for relationships without marriage.

you demonify things that you simply cannot understand or put up with and you try to ridicule what makes you feel uneasy.

get a life mates,stop these humouristic(?)macho conversations and get a life.or find a proper girlfriend.just be nice to her,not a slave to her and everything will be fine.
sol83 said:
kids today know nothing of "real communication". most times i listen to a guy and a girl talking about their relationship i wanna start laughing but don't do it cos of politness and that. most times i talk with girls about, for example, a guy they wanna talk to and get a bit serious thing, we end up repeating the same things ten times. how to approach him, what to say and all that crap. agina nd again.

let me put it this way. what is needed is more action and less endless (and rather meaningless) conversations. and a bit more "adult" way of discussing about these issues.

and i'm not saying only women are like that. same goes for the "powerful" (ho,ho,ho) sex.

and judging by this post, i think you can see that i can talk a lot also.

:) ok dear.im convinced.now you explained better i can see your point.and i agree.
i always felt frustrated , seeing girls that were totally incapable of approaching a male.or even the opposite,i think its ridiculous.like asking for my advice(!!!)"how will i talk to him,what should i reply to his sms?"and crap like that.or "will she like me,what should i tell her?".
if you hesitate in most natural thing of all,then....what can i say...
just be your fucken selves and if it works out it will work out.
in this point,as Sol said,action is needed.not fairytale talking
I've never understood why people have problems talking to each other in general - blokes, birds, whatever. Talking's a piece of piss, innit!
somnium_in_tenebris said:
@Mehdi,Best, loads of feminist clichés girls usual pull when theyre offended by the bare truth.

hold on. am i told by YOU to be real and honest and balanced? :lol:

thats way over the top mehdi. i dont want to see anything turning into a fight. keep things private and dont bother people who shouldnt be involved in this.
what was it? peace?