Why are many women evil?

Dhatura said:
Why not? I think it's a very interesting topic, and it concerns everyone.

I guess Mehdi's remark answers that. It's all about accepting truth again anyway.

Ever read Orwell's "politics and the English language"?
We seem so focused on being right or "winning" a discussion that we never bother to consider whether we might be wrong.

It's so clear in political debates, ever actually attended those, you never hear anyone accepting the other person had a valid argument, it's all about convincing the public you're right.

Seems to be an exaggerated image of every day life, rarely ever hear anyone admitting they're wrong there either. When you do you sometimes get the reaction "What do you mean I'm right?", tragically comical. People are so used to this contest way of thinking, I remember being accused of just wanting to have a "intellectual persona" (I think they called it) on the Opeth forum when i tried to get them to explain Opeth lyrics, that whole thing kind of shows the problem.

This really makes conversation as Sol said useless, a simple contest. Don't know an alternative really though. Fuck like rabbits and be happy seem to be the way to go. Or "Fuck it all, you can pretend to be happy". It was touched upon in "Fight Club" with the whole "people really listen to you when they think you're dying" thing, but in such a perverted unreal way.

There is that lying to yourself rejecting harmful truths almost unconciously thing to it too, but we've discussed that before.

I gave it a go, but this is such a massive problem that covers all aspects of life when I start to think about it. Now I'm preparing to be called cheesy and really objecting to it, because it's so wrong and useless.
Strangelight said:
You mean false poetic bullshit that aint connected to the real world? ;)

You like to talk about this, don't you?

I'll argue that just because some people fail to understand sth, it ain't necessarily bullshit. But then it seemed to have failed to connect to the real world.
I guess many women are tryin to take men under control and rule them. So if you behave girls politely and be a gentleman theyll dump you and go to a boy which is harder to take under control. It is like a game. So you have to balance your actions and be less polite and more rebellious(really cheesey) to your girlfriend, thatll please women.
Allan said:
You like to talk about this, don't you?

I'll argue that just because some people fail to understand sth, it ain't necessarily bullshit. But then it seemed to have failed to connect to the real world.
Sorry but I aint got a clue what you're getting at. I said 'false poetic bullshit' as opposed to realistic honest conversation, relating to the man/woman thing. I was agreeing with Sol like.
If something is fake then it is bullshit (in my own humble estimation)