World Cup!!

Oh and despite he is the manager of the rival team of Wolverhampton Wonderers, known to local as Wolves, this is the greatest gif ive ever seen...

Oh and despite he is the manager of the rival team of Wolverhampton Wonderers, known to local as Wolves, this is the greatest gif ive ever seen...



Oh and I doubt the Germans will be able to beat Argentina. They only managed to beat us because our defence was non-existent and they were sloppy as fuck.


the dutch are boring to watch :(

Agreed. Although I really hope they can beat Brazil :lol:

The fuck cares about Chile?

I extend this to South America.


^Me too. Chile played really bad today. But I think the Brasilians will lose their next game. They have the potential to win the world cup but what I've seen so far was nothing special. The Netherlands - if they have a good day - will kick Brazilians ass. I mean they haven't lost any game in the last 5 years or so...
But even if they will win the next 2 games, they will find their master in Germany!


I mean this with the highest respect to Gonzo, I wouldnt support Argentina if they were the last team on earth. Im a 110% behind Germany doing the dirty on them.

Soy brasileño pero tengo un amigo que hay pasado 5 meses en ciudad del mexico por la universidad. El me ha enseñado algunas palavras en castillano que usamos para enfadar nuestro amigo argentino, que odía el acento y palabras mexicanas :P
lol germany is playing on saturday and I booked a studio to record some i.e my band.
fuck off.