Worst COB live moments


Mar 14, 2002
Alright, here we go. Now, let's make it perfectly clear that I really think that COB is a great live band but nobody's perfect and this thread is about the bad days. If you don't have anything else to say than "Alexi sucks, he's always sloppy and has never performed sober" then do everyone a favour and don't post. This thread was inspired by some posts in the biggest fuck up -thread and I by no means want to start any pointless bashing which this will probably lead to but let's give it a shot anyway.

Necro said:
their show from Nosturi in 2006 (I think) was just a single fuck up.
lyrics were forgotten or fucked up, titles were fucked up by the editor, not to mention all the little fuck ups in the performance
and the gallons of mansweat they spilled.

some other dude said:
Yeah, They played Punch Me I Bleed, where alexi totally forgot the words..

I think this Nosturi 2005 show is probably my candidate for the worst COB show I've witnessed live or seen a bootleg of. The band had just played a few AYDY shows before this one and often commented that they haven't quite got the new songs down properly yet and I think you can hear that. However, the main reason for why the performance is one of the least solid ones the band has given is not this. As you can see from the video that's floating around the net and Necro also mentioned, the band is sweating like Finns usually do in saunas, not on stage. Nosturi has had a ridiculously bad air condition for ages and this show seemed to be packed beyond the venues capacity. Jaska said he threw up twice during this gig because of the heat and had a fan [not a fanboy or a fangirl but a fan!] and a crew member next to him trying to cool him down.

Here's Punch Me I Bleed from the gig. Alexi has absolutely no clue or interest in the lyrics and looks to be passing out any second. It's pretty funny to watch but I'm still wondering how he could pull it off, I could hardly even stand up in the audience myself.

In general I think the least energetic COB performances are timed sometime in the middle/end of their longest touring streaks. Routine is good to some extent but you just gotta be a superhuman so you can really give 100% every night when you play 180 shows in 13 months like COB did after AYDY.

I never minded too much about Alexi not playing every solo note for note on every show, I still think he does an awesome job most of the time. However, from what I've noticed the excessive touring has taken its toll and he's sometimes a bit lazy and doesn't even try to hit every note but for instance on this summer's festival gigs I think he was on the top of his game again!

What bothers me, however, is that he's sometimes concentrating a bit too much on the guitar on the expense of the vocals. Good example is the end of the In Your Face chorus, right where the solo starts. He hardly ever sings it completely and I perfectly understand why but it sometimes kills the momentum a bit for a perceptive nerd like me. He's improving, however. Just compare the verse vocals in Living Dead Beat from the early AYDY shows (Nosturi for example) to any of the latter ones. On the first shows most screams were cut off half way through but these days he even extends them longer than they are on the album. Speaking of screams, I always missed the long one in the beginning of AYDY. Now that'd wake some lazy crowds up!

Oh yeah, the Milan guitar spin.. I don't think it's so bad, just look at the end closely, he backs it up pretty well by grabbing the guitar and spinning it to his hands from the other side :)

In the Somnium memorial gig show he did the spin - also in the Hate Me breakdown - which goes just fine BUT in the process he drops his guitar pick on the floor. The show was just 25min so it looks like he didn't have an extra pick ready as he dives to the floor to look for it and doesn't find it until a few secs before the solo.

Your turn! I'll probably post more later.
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When I saw them in Lyon, Janne started playing LDB's intro, then Alexi & Roope came, but their guitars were tuned on another key than his playing :lol: The guys got on, he cut off the keyboard and a tech came to change his stuff. No keys on the opening-song, great.
:lol::lol::lol: At the Somnium gig thing.

About performances I have to agree 100% with all you said about Nosturi 05 (except the part of the crowd, because I was not lucky enough to be there, so... :lol: I've only seen them once (AYDY? European Tour in Barcelona, and appart from breaking his toe (which anyone noticed until we read that on COBHC, :lol:) the show was perfect IMO (when I come to think I'm not luck for the number of shows I've seen, just Exouds, COB, Slayer and Sonata Arctican, but yes for the quality: all four gigs have been awesome and almost perfectly played,even though Elias fucked up Caleb solo, :lol:).
When I saw them in Lyon, Janne started playing LDB's intro, then Alexi & Roope came, but their guitars were tuned on another key than his playing :lol: The guys got on, he cut off the keyboard and a tech came to change his stuff. No keys on the opening-song, great.

Ah yeah, that's a good one - there's a bootleg of it here : [ame]http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5169064784935017031&q=bodom+lyon&total=9&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=0[/ame]

I think you could almost write a book about Janne's problem with keys. Tuska 03 was really bad. That's the main reason why they didn't air SNBN or TDE from that gig on the TV show. The techs were fighting with the keys during those two songs and Janne could play barely half of his parts. I think it was more of a monitor problem though because he was randomly hitting the keys and it sounded about right but the problem obviously didn't get solved. Then there's the milan show.. Major problems during the whole gig and at the end of Downfall Janne throws the keys away because he gets taken out of monitors as "the playing time is over", hah! Here's the funny gif once again :


In Ruisrock 05 they had some major problems once again and Janne couldn't use all the necessary key sounds.. They even thought about cancelling the gig but pulled it off anyway. Then near the end of the show the rain got so intense that Janne's keyboard suffered from some serious water damage aswell.. There's some commentary of this in the CRY DVD extras btw, with Janne and Alexi both swearing lots in Finnish.
Hey, what happened in Lyon with Sixpounder? They jump from LDB to SNBN, :lol: Two days before I saw them at Barcelona and they played identic setlist as in CRY, so I suposed it was the same setlist for the whole gig, wasn't it?
If he is then some french metal fan that comes here and attended the show will prove him wrong, but until then I'll belive him, because the vid is not of the whole gig, ETID and Downfall are missing at the end too, so I'll trust him for now, :lol:
In the Somnium memorial gig show he did the spin - also in the Hate Me breakdown - which goes just fine BUT in the process he drops his guitar pick on the floor. The show was just 25min so it looks like he didn't have an extra pick ready as he dives to the floor to look for it and doesn't find it until a few secs before the solo.

Your turn! I'll probably post more later.

that actually sounds pretty good, i would like to see that one :p
What bothers me, however, is that he's sometimes concentrating a bit too much on the guitar on the expense of the vocals.

Whenever I sing and play guitar, the vocals gotta go if there is conflict between the vocals and the guitars. Alexi probably does this for the same reason as i do: I'm a guitar player. And thats what i mainly am, hence stuff like vocals, it just falls down in priority. SO i think its justified that he cuts off at times, but as you said, it improves the more time its done.
Whenever I sing and play guitar, the vocals gotta go if there is conflict between the vocals and the guitars. Alexi probably does this for the same reason as i do: I'm a guitar player. And thats what i mainly am, hence stuff like vocals, it just falls down in priority. SO i think its justified that he cuts off at times, but as you said, it improves the more time its done.

Your're right , my band did a cover of HCDR and it's fuckin' tuff to play and sing at the same time..