And of course nobody here was an annoying cunt when they were first getting into Metal (though this is probably irrelevant since most of you probably got into Metal long before message boards).
I wish Metal-Rules was a choice...
Because I fucking was one? And a lot of other people were? That's how people start off. You're fucking young, you think you're a big shit, so of course you're going to mouth off and come off like a jackass. Obviously there are some who go beyond this and are just inexcusably (THisIsACoolName, Disarmonia Mundi, etc.), but for the most part, I think a lot of them will look back at their old posts and laugh, the way that I do about myself when I was 15-16.
Vic?Oh yeah, I can't fucking stand Vic 90% of the time.
Because I fucking was one? And a lot of other people were? That's how people start off. You're fucking young, you think you're a big shit, so of course you're going to mouth off and come off like a jackass. Obviously there are some who go beyond this and are just inexcusably (THisIsACoolName, Disarmonia Mundi, etc.), but for the most part, I think a lot of them will look back at their old posts and laugh, the way that I do about myself when I was 15-16.
Amazing 60s haircut.look man, as your friend i recommend that you calm down and have a beer. i mean, how can you say 'no' to this face and a sparkling glass of ale?
hahahahahaha sleaziest smile ever
Dude, that twat "thisisacoolname" and "cythraul" or w/e ....fucking wastes of oxygen. theyre the same people who walk down the halls at school with their head down, not making any eye contact with anyone.
look man, as your friend i recommend that you calm down and have a beer. i mean, how can you say 'no' to this face and a sparkling glass of ale?
Most of them aren't the way that you categorize them...they're not as inflammatory as you seem to class them. Unless you're talking about trolls like Cythraul, polarity, and hibernal dream). I don't have a problem with cookiecutter, Zephyrus, Montu Seckhmet (most of the time), or VVVVV (except when he feels the need to brag about being a mod)...and Malignance, Dark Bliss, Solipsist, and unknown are cool. Now Amarantus is another dumbfuck...there are a lot of dumbfucks...but I'm not talking about those people. Most of the real dumbfucks that constantly argue are in their mid-late 20s actually, the younger ones are more civil.
What the fuck do I care though, I don't even know why I post there aside from the occasional OS DM and BM discussions.