Who has the worst taste in women?

Which of these clear-as-day fags has worst taste in women?

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Elephant talk, elephant talk, elephant talk?!?!?!?
MadeInNewJersey said:
Example #1:

This broad might be the coolest, funniest, most intelligent person on the planet, share the same musical interests as me, love the Yankees, have a great job, and supports my personal & professional growth 100%.


It wouldn't work. Muwahahahahahahaa.

Slap a red wig on her and Erik would do her up the bum.
Erik said:
oi! sod off :loco:

you know -- if she indeed was the most intelligent person on the planet, she simply wouldn't let her body decay like that.

Yeah, but you would still do her over someone like Kelly Hu because you wouldn't then be committing race treachery. Your racism is leading you to bad taste in women and general faggotry. :loco:
Oh goat Kelly Hu. SO HOT.

haha, one of my favorite Playbints sorta looks like Kelly Hu, I saw her interviewed once and she was dumb as a post. I almost couldn't choke it to her foldout that night!
It's cool because it's not true that all asians look the same, but you can definitely group a good portion of the hot ones into the "they look the same" category.