worst metal band???

Jorn Lande... sigh... there's something about the way he sings i don't like, maybe cause he sounds like a 60's hippie, sort of Janis Joplin...
he's not bad though
and Masterplan kicks ass :cool:
bodomite said:
I would have to say the absolute worst metal band I have ever heard is Satanic Slaughter.
I picked up one of their cds at a local store becuase a friend told me how kick ass they were. I smacked him the fucking face the next day. The vocals are awful the guitars sound like they are being played by someone who hasent been playing anymore than a month! The entire CD is nothing but fucking power chords! If your a metalhead plllzzzz take my advice DO NOT I repeat DO NOT buy any of this bands cd. I did find one use for the cd. :muahaha: When I dropped a rock on it the cd broke into very sharp pieces that I could use for cutting things! LOL

Keep rockin metalheads !!!

Funny to look back on since their latest one is a killer, first and second one features the line-up with the guys who later on formed Witchery - and they're damn good...
Fuck that shit, there are good USA Death Metal Bands, and yeah, you are a fucking idiot and your opinion dosn't count, because you can't even figure out that Carcass isn't from America, and anyone that thinks Carcass sucks, is obviously gay and lying.

I don't know who is the worst metal band...I don't consider Nu-Metal Metal, infact I don't call it Nu-Metal, I call it Angry Teen Music or Fag Music.

Cradle of Filth is shit, that is for sure :) I usualy don't like to "go with whatever everyone else says" but...seriously...they are shit, and Dani's voice makes me want to rip my ears off.

Ap, Worst Metal Band is definatly Iron Maiden, god what losers.
HeXa said:
All USA "Deathmetalbands" like Cannibal Corpse, Deicide, Morbid Angel, Carcass etc. I'm not sure if they are really trying to make music or are they just goofing around. They're propaply just humourbands.

Those USA "Deathmetalbands" are the truest form of death metal you could possibly find, since they are the original death metal bands. Not to say I'm some sort of "tr00" elistist or anything. In fact, I don't like CC or Deicide. Morbid Angel and Carcass are/were amazing, and you failed to mention Death, THE death metal band, who were also amazing and also from the US. And if you're inferring at all that Bodom are death metal, well, they aren't.
The worst metal bands are any extremely low quality sounding black metal with horrible vocals, no melodies and repetitive songs. I hate that shit.
You guys turned this into a topic about what metal bands YOU hate, not what are the worst. Whoever have said Metallica is the worst metal band, are very much so, retarded. Just becuase Metallica went into the mainstream on the Black Album, doesn't mean their music is shit. You have to go deeper then the fact that they went mainstream. It was coming. Their 1988 album ...And Justice For All hit #11 on the charts with zero airplay and little support from MTV. How do you top that without crossing over into mainstream? Metallica is one of the best metal bands ever and you can't deny that becuase they did that, and think that everything they've ever produced afterwords equals shit, becuase it doesn't. If you beleive so you are brainwashed and you cannot accept or enjoy any other types or forms of music. Your musical tastes are dry. Some of the songs on Metallica, Load, and Reload are sheer brilliance. Are you blind of their intricate virtuosity? Seriously. Learn something about music before you shun their work and scold the artists.
Pig Destroyer. there songs are like 30 seconds long each, the singer sounds like hes being raped by a bear with a chainsaw and the guitarist sounds like hes puking on the guitar strings. which he probably is.
i cant say i have encountered a shit metal band in my eyes, each band has their own elements to make them special, (nu metal doesnt count .. thats just shit compiled into a puny easy to digest package)

Hey, and dont knock CC, Morbid angel and all that.. they all fucking rule \m/
You just cant understand how hard it is to play that Hammer Smashed face bass solo.. fucking hell... Alex Webster is a beast.
these are all oppinions...

i like, beileve it or not, linkin park:rock: . many people here have such a limited music taste its almost funny. i like korn and also papa roach. pretty much : nu metal.
i just concentrate my hate on those irratating punk rock bands such as simpel plan and blink 182...

ill fuck off now