worst metal band???

madsanta said:
these are all oppinions...

i like, beileve it or not, linkin park:rock: . many people here have such a limited music taste its almost funny. i like korn and also papa roach. pretty much : nu metal.
i just concentrate my hate on those irratating punk rock bands such as simpel plan and blink 182...

ill fuck off now

Don't worry, i liked papa roach, but that was then, ive moved on to other bands that are more likeable for me.
Grimes said:
Just becuase Metallica went into the mainstream on the Black Album, doesn't mean their music is shit.

--->No indeed, they had to put in an effort for that.

Grimes said:
Metallica is one of the best metal bands ever and you can't deny that becuase they did that, and think that everything they've ever produced afterwords equals shit, becuase it doesn't.

---> Metallica is one of the most popular metal bands ever. However, the best liked does inevitably mean the best

Grimes said:
If you beleive so you are brainwashed and you cannot accept or enjoy any other types or forms of music. Your musical tastes are dry.

---> WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!?!?!?? Sure I can, asswanker

Grimes said:
Some of the songs on Metallica, Load, and Reload are sheer brilliance. Are you blind of their intricate virtuosity?

---> Yes.

Grimes said:
Seriously. Learn something about music before you shun their work and scold the artists.

Hmmm, done that...still think it's crap. And they were and are arrogant pricks. They once said that those beards and long hair wasn't them IT WAS JUST THEIR IMAGE so they would sell. You judge.
inflamer said:
Fuck dont put carcass on those lines....its one of the best bands ever...altough i dont like the first records....since necriticism they delivered sutch incredible records...too bad they broke up....
yeah I agree Dont fuck with carcass.. they pwn metal.
ohh yeah and i hate trivium. gay vocals, Shitty drumming, bass sucks, only good thing is there guitars.. some of them.
Most of the ones that have come out lately IMO.......especially emocore.......:Puke: