Would you like there to be another Opeth album similar to "Damnation?"

Want another MELLOW album? AT least ONE more?

  • YES!!!

    Votes: 54 41.9%
  • No...

    Votes: 75 58.1%

  • Total voters


S t a r E
I gotta say, Damnation is a masterpiece! While IMO, it may not be Opeth's greatest in their outstanding discography, it must be said that there are few mellow albums with such pure emotion, with beautiful guitar melodies as can be heard in Windowpane (you know, that Pink Floyd/jazzy style.)

To me, it would be a shame to end this style like this (especially considering an "experiment" such as Damnation has turned out SO well). Can you imagine if Opeth gave it another shot? I mean, c'mon...AT LEAST ONE MORE ALBUM LIKE DAMNATION, except taking it even further and create something MORE innovative. I wanna see more Patterns II and Still Day-esque tunes (which I feel would have fit in perfectly with damnation). Also, make the album at least a FULL-HOUR in length, because Damnation is such wondrous piece of music ending all too suddenly (but phenomenal for as long as it lasts.)

So what do you think? Already at the concert, I heard someone say all too well that Opeth is FAR MORE than just a metal band. And, it shows...they don't have to sell-out in order to do this kinda style, because we ALL know the mellow has always been there. It was just a metter of time before we saw a complete dedication to this side of their music.

So, I say at least ONE MORE. One just doesn't seem to cut it....I heard somewhere Mike said they may, depending on how well Damnation sells. And c'mon, how weird is it that their EXPERIMENTAL album becomes the best-selling of all? And what about those that like Opeth's musicianship but cannot get into their death vocals (I have heard some of this on Porcupine Tree-related sites - they DIG damnation and their musicianship....death vocals, no...)

Just a thought.....speak your mind!
If they release another 'soft' album like Damnation, I'd like to see songs in the style of Benighted, Still Day Beneath the Sun or like that.
WyldeBill said:
If they release another 'soft' album like Damnation, I'd like to see songs in the style of Benighted, Still Day Beneath the Sun or like that.

I wouldnt like there to be because one is enough...anyways i read in an interview with mikael that they are never going to
i want another mellow one, but one that actually feels like one of those 70's prog rock albums. I want long songs with a lot of progression. Id also want to hear one that sounds like older opeth's mellow parts.. like an album that sounded like acoustic parts from orchid and morningrise.
I voted yes because I think that there is still a lot of room left for improvements from Damnation.
WyldeBill said:
If they release another 'soft' album like Damnation, I'd like to see songs in the style of Benighted, Still Day Beneath the Sun or like that.

i voted no, but i agree with u
Since I hope Opeth will release at least 5-10 albums more, then I would like a mellow album. However it must be different from Damnation. I suggest songs with a bit more power in, thou still with no growling, such as "The face of Melinda"
Well first off...to think that damnation is terribly original is just musical ignorance. Original idea for Opeth? ill give you that. In any case, i wouldnt mind another mellow album...in accordance with scourge...i would like one that is more reminiscent of 70s prog rock (im a proghead...shoot me), not another album of pseudo porcupine tree worship like damnation. Dont get me wrong, porcupine tree is one of my favorites...but we dont need another one. Anyway, i voted yes, lets see what will happen.
Scourge of Malice said:
Id also want to hear one that sounds like older opeth's mellow parts.. like an album that sounded like acoustic parts from orchid and morningrise.

i have just that ^^^ if its legal it should be on the ultimatemetal hub soon
Yes i would like it...Why? because honestly i find Mikael's clean vocals far superior than his heavy "death" vocals...His voice is very very beautiful and id be a very very sad panda if i never got to hear a new record with that style again...Opeth doesnt need to release another Damnation but i would like a record where the growling is not as prevelant!