Would you prefer to see Opeth endorse Abercrombie and Fitch, or Kenji Urban?

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How I differentiate is, once again, irrelevant. As for restricting anyone's opinion, feel free to explain that one. You have to consider that in having an opinion and the belief that you are free to express it and to have the 'right' to express it respected, you have to expect that others will also assume that they are free to express theirs. The fact that my opinion differs and that I openly challenge another opinion is not a sign that I am opressing anyone else's. To be honest I think that kind of defensive response is childish too. Just my opinion of course, and who are you to impose restrictions on it?

But to be honest I don't differenciate between what is good and bad. Only on what I like and dislike. Anything else is my opinion, which I disclose at my own discretion.

But as for your beliefs, justify that talent is innate and that it is subjectively inherant in one individual and not another. Just saying you believe it really doesn't prove anything.

As for what I am trying to achieve, why do I have to have any specific agenda other than generating a response? That is what these forums are about isn't it? Oh sorry I forgot it was about which Opeth song is metal and which one is faggot rock or something, and how I think Opeth should evolve as a band because my opinion as some retard that bought their record is the most important thing in the world
Yeah, then we can all go back to more masculine, and obviously hetrosexual persuits like posting 1690 posts since the 3rd of March (8.12 per day). Insignificant indeed.
Another irony. In fact, little one, and you certainly do qualify as a little one, you silly child. If you had a brain you would realise that you even calling it a red herring was the irony, given your arbitrary rants about 'homoeroticism'. Go back to the sandpit now and post more inane ramblings. "ur so ghey". Like you are in any position to call me out on any intellectual level.
actually, to consider the arbitrary rant a red herring would be to assume that it was argumentation, which since it wasn't, can't be held to standards of debate
"2. something intended to divert attention from the real problem or matter at hand; a misleading clue." From Dictionary.com.

Since you obviously aren't aware of what a red herring is
Also given that calling something 'homoerotic' can only be a diversionary tactic given the fact you are just a rambling idiot. I would say that is more than relevant and therefore stands up to the 'standards of debate' quite well.
I think as far as you are concerned though the real problem is evident. You are clearly one of the idiots I was implicitly targeting with this thread in the first place.
Sorry, I was assuming it was your intent to look like a blithering idiot. At which you are a complete success.
I has been fun though. It has kept me ammused throughout the day. Too bad I have to go now though. I'm sure it will take on a life of its own and grow like a weed though
I'll spell it out for you, the definition you cited is generalized, dumbed down for popular use. the actual strict definition is 'employing ignoratio elenchi to distract.' since you probably don't know what ignoratio elenchi is, I'll tell you: it's when a debater argues a point irrelevent to the original issue that he's debating. I was obviously not a debater of the original issue, which negates your claim that I committed a red herring. I did not have the specific intent to distract any participant of the original debate, rather, I was making an arbitrary (as you yourself called it!) insult at both you and Justin S, which negates your claim that I committed a red herring. I did not present any argumentation, which negates your claim that I committed a red herring.
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