Would you prefer to see Opeth endorse Abercrombie and Fitch, or Kenji Urban?

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Prognostic said:
it doesnt matter if it was satire meathead you're still literally contributing shit to this forum. and what does high post count have to with sexuality? come back when your emotions havent overrun your logic

Speaking of logic.... "literally"? You mean I sent my faecal matter eletronically and it is now part of the server hosting this forum? Interesting concept indeed, it brings the concept of the organic mainframe to a new level. Maybe shit is the new superconductor.

As for emotions overrunning logic, did we have a response for how talent is inherantly unique to one individual and not another or did we just want to rant about how we are being opressed by other people whose opinions don't coincide with our class of 2005 veiw of the world?

I think the implication about sexuality and a high post count is pretty obvious. It goes along the lines of "people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" if you understand that old adage. Maybe it should have "lol" at the end, then you would get it, I bet.
Nothinggod said:
Speaking of logic.... "literally"? You mean I sent my faecal matter eletronically and it is now part of the server hosting this forum? Interesting concept indeed, it brings the concept of the organic mainframe to a new level. Maybe shit is the new superconductor.

As for emotions overrunning logic, did we have a response for how talent is inherantly unique to one individual and not another or did we just want to rant about how we are being opressed by other people whose opinions don't coincide with our class of 2005 veiw of the world?

I think the implication about sexuality and a high post count is pretty obvious. It goes along the lines of "people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" if you understand that old adage. Maybe it should have "lol" at the end, then you would get it, I bet.
get this kid a hobby
Nothinggod said:
I think the implication about sexuality and a high post count is pretty obvious. It goes along the lines of "people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" if you understand that old adage. Maybe it should have "lol" at the end, then you would get it, I bet.

although the last sentence does have some validity on this board...
"lol" I have a hobby, "lol". It is is playing and posting myself playing Opeth songs on youtube, thinking up new ways to get Opeth to rewrite demon of the fall 6 to 8 times on their next record, photoshopping pictures with members of Opeth, commenting on how everyone is sexually frustrated and needs a hobby other than me while I post an average of 8 or more posts everyday, telling everyone how metal I am, saying pwned and calling everyone dude, and telling Opeth how their new material is gay because they aren't in E standard tuning anymore. Oh and I have a toy trainset, toot toot!!!!
LOL!!! :lol:
Nothinggod said:
Because we know they need our help to dress themselves too
Fuck this.

Some things would be better left UNPOSTED. I can't believe this thread was even created. Even as a joke, it's a new low. And that's sadly impressive.
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