WTF are you listening to?

Reading the recent posts in this thread makes me feel old and lucky. By the time shit like limp dick, Lincoln suck balls were popular, I was already an elitist prick who hated mainstream music. Hell I remember my senior year In high school assholes trying to sell me on the first Korn album. Listened once and fucking despised it. Instead I was entranced by Carcass, recently discovered Bands like Amorphis, Mayhem, At the gates, Nevermore, etc and so on

Except.. I really liked the electronic scene (prodigy, chemical brothers)
That was a highlight of the mid to late 90s.
But I'm so glad I never subjected myself to nu metal.
Also I'm day drunk and listening to the Crown and Impaled Nazarene so ignore me

I was drunk one night at my old apartment listening to The Crown's Deathrace King album. I started to really get into it at one point and, in a headbanging fury, threw my fists in the air straight through two light bulbs and their outer glass ornament things that hang from ceiling fans. It was pretty rad.

When drunk, not much else is better than some good 'ol thrash or fast paced punk.
I have committed more accidental (and purposeful) vandalism drinking and listening to the Crown than I care to publicly admit
My flirtation with nu-metal was brief, and I certainly knew better when it hit, since I was already into a good handful of underground bands, but.............I busted out the first Korn album a few weeks ago, and I still dig it, all these years later.

Bloodbath - Grand Morbid Funeral

Such a fun album to listen to. You can tell they had fun writing and recording it. Blakkheim and Lord Seth are ace song writers in many different styles of metal.
The opener "Let the stillborn come to me" played loud is a neckbreaker!

Love the new album!

As for myself, at the moment I am listening to Vaginal Bear Trap's album, "Just the Tip"
Just got back from the Primus Wonka Thing. The tour is now over, but if ever granted a time machine, I highly recommend catching that. A unique experience, of the good variety.

EDIT: I thought this was the Write Anything You Want thread. Now that I realize it is the Now Listening Thread, I must clarify that earlier this evening I was listening to Primus in a live environment.
Having 73 days of music on iTunes is awesome (having the music, not having iTunes). Just typed in "Christmas" and got an hour of music.

Tell me this playlist ain't tits:

"It's Christmas Time Again..." - By The End Of Tonight
"The Christmas Song" - Gandalf The Grey
"Happy Christmas (War Is Over)" - John Lennon
"Christmas Steps" - Mogwai
"A Christmas Camel" - Procol Harum
"Christmas Eve (Sarajevo 12/24)" - Savatage
"Don't Believe In Christmas"- The Sonics
"Red Water (Christmas Mourning)" - Type O Negative
"Christmas" - Ulver
"No Christmas While I'm Talking" - The Walkmen
"Christmas" - The Who
Just got back from the Primus Wonka Thing. The tour is now over, but if ever granted a time machine, I highly recommend catching that. A unique experience, of the good variety.

EDIT: I thought this was the Write Anything You Want thread. Now that I realize it is the Now Listening Thread, I must clarify that earlier this evening I was listening to Primus in a live environment.

I first heard about this album/project/tour just two days ago.
I'm a little out of touch.

because Strawbs fucking destroys this piece of shit world with love and happiness

"CONVERGE, RIVERS OF HELL" is a concept-album dedicated to the classical rivers of Hades as narrated in Greek and Latin Literature and Mythology, featuring exclusive contributions from all of Dis Pater's projects: MIDNIGHT ODYSSEY, THE CREVICES BELOW and TEMPESTUOUS FALL.

In Dis Pater's visions - fueled by ambient black metal, symphonic arrangements and funeral doom abysses - Acheron, Cocytus, Pyriphlegethon, Lethe and Styx become places of the soul, where the dead face their despair and are left to wander eternally, drowning in their own memories and miseries, waiting for a merciful hand to save them... or cancel their existence forever.

epic black metal about old badass Gods, what music better suited for those long wintry afternoons...