WTF are you listening to?

but the winner is clearly OLD - Formula. a james plotkin ambient industrial thing with vocoder vocals on earache records (supposedly the lowest selling album in label history). i would normally hate this, but i dig it. its pretty total pinkage, but it works.

Solid non-metal rec from J. Been listening to this a lot lately. '95 album that includes the guy from Khanate or something. NAD? Doomcifer?

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while driving back home last night through the forest and the thickest fog I ever faced on the road. Perfect!!
That there Vemod album is very good.

I remember liking OLD... I think? Didn't explore beyond a few samples though.

Been listening to the latest Swans album and revisiting Marrow of the Spirit. Finally "getting" that Agalloch album, and holy fuck, best Swans since Soundtracks for the Blind.