WTF are you listening to?

RAT made me think of RATT and "Out of the Cellar" is a classic album.

Now I'm going to drink more scotch and play DIA
Bloodbath - Grand Morbid Funeral

Such a fun album to listen to. You can tell they had fun writing and recording it. Blakkheim and Lord Seth are ace song writers in many different styles of metal.
The opener "Let the stillborn come to me" played loud is a neckbreaker!
When all my friends in highschool were suckers for The Prodigy - i was putting shit on them and saying that they were mainstream fags who know nothing about good music, then went to listen to my mega tr00 Linkin Park................
I decided to listen to this electronic mainstream faggotry stuff a few weeks ago and I enjoyed it. Sometimes I think i'm getting old backwards.
Linkin Park are unbearably bad. Another band from that era are Incubus. I would rock out to them when they came on the radio. Now when I hear them I want to vomit. And go back to 2000 and kill myself.
has your re-evaluation of life brought any life changing revelations?
Not yet, but the RAT pedal doesn't arrive until tomorrow. Who knows what lurks in the soul of NAD when he gets a new fuzz box?
When all my friends in highschool were suckers for The Prodigy - i was putting shit on them and saying that they were mainstream fags who know nothing about good music, then went to listen to my mega tr00 Linkin Park................
I decided to listen to this electronic mainstream faggotry stuff a few weeks ago and I enjoyed it. Sometimes I think i'm getting old backwards.
Music for the Jilted Generation is a pretty great album! The Fat of the Land was fun at the time, and still is on rare occasion. I wouldn't listen to them over Future Sound of London or Front Line Assembly when I'm in an electronic mood, but still, pretty decent stuff.

Linkin Park are the reason I stopped listening to radio in 2001, they had been playing them far too often that morning/week/month/year. I couldn't take it anymore, so I kicked my defenseless boombox in a frenetic rage until it stopped. The best part? I still have said boombox, and it still functions just fine for garage listening.

I was a huge Incubus fanboy from 1997 to 2000, haha. Saw them live with Ultraspank, party like it's 1999!
:lol: that singer is so incredibly bad and talentless. In 2000, I though he was good.


I also thought the guy from System of a Down was good too. I'm going to hell for that.
When I was listening to Linkin Park though I was 15 and I thought I was way more alternative and awesome than my friends who were listening to Limp Bizkit and Eminem. This was my start of "heavy moosic"