wtf...Extol is christian death metal?!

Let's ask Agalloch what they think.

Here at the edge of this world
Here I gaze at a pantheon of oak, a citadel of stone
If this grand panorama before me is what you call God. . .
Then God is not dead

I believe that the formation of any "religious" belief should not begin with people standing on a platform telling you what to do to avoid eternal damnation. We are all capable of discerning right from wrong. We may come to different conclusions of what is right, but that is OK. Even Jesus said this may happen. He said to not make a big deal out of insignificant things. (If I find the verse, I'll post it if anyone is interested.) Religious beliefs should be formed by introspective experiences. NOT yelled from a platform.

"The Inner Circle" is one of my favorite albums. But no, Evergrey does not side with Christianity on that album. They just talk about the pain that is caused by Christianity inwardly. (i think) (havent listend in a while)
Evergrey is idd NOT christian :) ... luckily ...

how come every christian on this planet thinks HE/SHE is someone that is a true christian and mocks other christian that are allegedly not so true .... (hmmmm, sounds a lot like so called true black metal-heads .. perhaps there IS a lot of comparison between the two then :p)

that from agalloch: if someone said that till about 150 years ago, he would be banned minimum, somewhat earlier they would be burned for that ... ESPECIALLY in the united states of course, oh so free ...
hmm ill look at their lyrics sheet. I like the Nihilist veiw anyways. Well i hope they dont sing about jeebus converting black/death metal. Yuh go jeeus
Black Session said:
Evergrey is idd NOT christian :) ... luckily ...

how come every christian on this planet thinks HE/SHE is someone that is a true christian and mocks other christian that are allegedly not so true .... (hmmmm, sounds a lot like so called true black metal-heads .. perhaps there IS a lot of comparison between the two then :p).
while i of course cannot speak for any other supposed christians, i assure you that i would not call myself thus unless I meant it. One need not even take words into account. Look at the actions of so-called american "christians" you and so many others love to degrade: and then look at the tenets of Christianity and tell me if the coincide in the slightest. Are these people representative of that which they do not actively (actions) believe in? By the logic of some people on here, one would think Abba represented all of Sweden. :zzz:
The Greys said:
The term evil is christain. Christianity created satan,hell to attract people into the religion by a form of scaring,manipulating individuals into believing they will be condemned. ...

You're prosecuting others every day. Innocence is gone now. When people get killed tomorrow it's in the name of your gods.

God damn your stupid.... sorry had to say it...
The Greys said:
The term evil is christain. Christianity created satan,hell to attract people into the religion by a form of scaring,manipulating individuals into believing they will be condemned. Christianity along with religion groups start out as a cult almost seperated from the world until they build a stronger base where they can take stronger actions building upon whatever the religion is. Say you're not christian, christian make it like you're 'evil' or wrong. It's a lose,lose no matter what because either you're christian or evil(which is a christian term). If christianity did not get so big it would not matter but sadly it has. It's basically very dominate and close minded cheap way to try, teach and make someone believe about what you believe in. When someone puts people into a situation where they win either way regardless of your choice that's odd.

Try to force something on an individual that is lost and they might just give in. If someone has strong beliefe in themselves they will not fold nor need outside influence on how they think.

The reason why the world has problems is because religion. Religion is seperating everyone into groups. That's not unity or exceptence. If religion did not exist, evil,the devil,hell,heaven would not exist. Everyone could develope their own faith,spirituality. Religion is basically like a mirror. Without a mirrorr everyone would be the same. Knowing everyone is the same means corruption,hate would not exist. Religion has ruined the chance of genuine faith and harmony.

Religion is basically outdated just kings,emperors,cults,empires.etc.... It's just a form a domination. Attract more people, make your group bigger, make others believe, expand. control,influence

It's an innocent form of greed,power,domination that naive people will not see and non naive people will have to fight when they don't want to(you started it) so why is that person wrong. Instead of saying you want people like us you use the term christianity, methods of belief,morals,opinions to sway people into joining your rising cult that gets bigger with time..... and not many people will dare to stand up and say it's not right because then they're made to be 'evil'.

You're prosecuting others every day. Innocence is gone now. When people get killed tomorrow it's in the name of your gods.
prosecuting, eh? try persecuting. if there's anything more annoying than someone trying to appear more intelligent than they are by using words they're only vaguely familiar with, i don't know what it is.
not to beat a dead parrot here, but this link kills me...

i guess it's safe to say we've all gone over to the "harder stuff"
(i got turned on to opeth by a guy at my church... heh)
this site is pretty wacked in general... many more alarming articles you might enjoy...
for ex, santa claus is the devil!

well, that explains a lot.
:lol: at "please get rid of this music and replace it with melodious, harmonious music. has he heard of melodic death metal?
"rock is wrong and hypocritical" ? i don't even get the logic behind this one.
i think the majority of those people are a tad bit confused. :err:

wish i could make an addition. "hey, i'm christian, and i like extol and death metal."