wtf...Extol is christian death metal?!


Dec 20, 2004
Wow, i didnt know that....didnt think it was possible to even combine the two...
AnTz0r said:

it's all been done before, it's called white metal...
nah, that's Styper.

Extol is indeed Christian, and Death Metal. and they aren't the only band, nor the only good band, to be so. I could provide with a bunch of links if there are those interested...
My very christian buddy back in the day gave me a compilation called 'Ultimate Metal' which was pretty much all Christian power metal bands, which I got a kick out of cause they had gated vocal swells and all the '80s harmonies for 'awesome' lines like "Hey! You gotta have FAITH!!", as well as band names like 'Neon Cross', so it was a good laugh. Anyway, there was one band on the comp though that was death metal. I always loved hearing the guy growl, "Burn, Satan, burn". I always felt he was kind of missing the point.
alot of satanic bands have cheesey lyrics, so from time to time a christian band may not be so bad. I'm still awaiting this CD in the mail from a band called Schaliach. One of the ex-guitarists of Extol made that supposedly "melodic death/doom" album back in 1995. I only have one track, which is an instrumental. I never guessed the band would be Christian...but that hardly matters to me.
Dreadful said:
alot of satanic bands have cheesey lyrics, so from time to time a christian band may not be so bad. I'm still awaiting this CD in the mail from a band called Schaliach. One of the ex-guitarists of Extol made that supposedly "melodic death/doom" album back in 1995. I only have one track, which is an instrumental. I never guessed the band would be Christian...but that hardly matters to me.
i have that disc. you won't be disappointed.
christianity death/black metal is a contradictio in terminis ....
this kind of music is meant to sound demonic! how can you make music that sounds like the devil and his worshippers, but actually celebrates this (fake) god? ...
I think it is stupid.
musically there can be some good things there, but it just isn't right, from the perspective of the black and death metal, as well as from the perspective of christianity. it's just so hypocrite and without any comprehension of what it is all about ...
ow and by the way: extol is not death metal! ... perhaps they call it that or something, but listen to it, certainly not death metal ... hard to say what it is, but it's more in the -core world if you ask me ...
Black Session said:
christianity death/black metal is a contradictio in terminis ....
this kind of music is meant to sound demonic! how can you make music that sounds like the devil and his worshippers, but actually celebrates this (fake) god? ...
I think it is stupid.
musically there can be some good things there, but it just isn't right, from the perspective of the black and death metal, as well as from the perspective of christianity. it's just so hypocrite and without any comprehension of what it is all about ...

Personally I'm glad that some bands like to break out of the mold that most people think they should fit into and not adhere to whatever closed minded beliefs you seem to hold. So they talk about God and have a certain sonic sound that has Satanic origins. Who cares? Hey, guess what? Most of the black metal bands are just doing it for show and to be 'evil.' A lot of them don't even believe in what they're screaming about. The guys in Extol are genuine Christians, so which is more hypocritical, hm?
lmao: Black Session

1. how can music "sound" satanic? Have you heard satan? That would imply not only that you believe he exists, but that you've heard him. You can't call any sound satanic. What quantifies satanic sound? The only way music can be called ANYTHING is in regards to the lyrics. the music is just atmosphere. you can call it dark, you can call it upbeat, or melodic, but you can't call it communist, or satanic, or republican, without words to give that significance.

2. if you think God is fake but again, claim the music "sounds" like the devil, are you not being the one contradicting yourself? as i said above, you imply the devil is a real being, which implies that so is God. further, what are you so afraid of? That bands like Extol and Crimson Moonlight will bring a (gasp) new perspective to metal? That they might become popular? If you think their message is bunk, you have nothing to fear. Something tells me you're just being ignorant, sorry.

3. people who refuse to listen to music because it's "Christian" are just as foolish as people who listen to music just because it's "satanic", as PeeWee says.
it isn't right to lump the message and the music together. a style of music is what it is, regardless of what words are sung/screamed/growled (spelling?) along with it. i would agree that certain styles lend themselves to certain emotions/moods. death metal shouldn't have light, happy, joyful lyrics. i tell you from experience that christians have the same emotions as people who are not christians. a band like extol isn't hypocritical (at least not in the way they've been accused of) for playing an aggressive/angry style of music. if you look at their lyrics, you'll see that they normally fit the mood of the music that they are written to. i don't think any of us are ever at a loss for things to be sad, dissappointed, or angry at. for this reason, we'll always have dark/aggressive music in order to vent those feelings. ...and can't we all agree that lyrics like 'hail satan!' and 'embrace the dark lord' are every bit as cheesy as 'have faith in god' and 'praise jesus!'.
the satanic imagery from death metal bands is just metaphorical for saying "we hate religion, especially the biggest one, christianity" if you have satanic imagery everywhere it's obviously gonna offend most religions, and that's what they want. All of what appears to be "satan worship" isn't really "real." I just laugh nowadays at people who actually take the lyrical message behind death bands seriously. The music is quite entertaining to me and I love it, but I'm not gonna be screaming out my window "deeeeaathhh!!" to some random 14 years walking by a 711 anytime soon.
extol was definately more death/black metal on a couple of their earlier albums, 'burial' and 'undeceived'. their two most recent albums, 'synergy' and 'the blueprint dives', are less aggressive overall, and they also share some unfortunate hardcore elements.
danmog said:
...and can't we all agree that lyrics like 'hail satan!' and 'embrace the dark lord' are every bit as cheesy as 'have faith in god' and 'praise jesus!'.

No. Most "satanic" music isn't made by people who actually believe that Satan as such actually exists (which isn't what Satanism is about anyway). They do it to oppose Christianity and basically to piss off Christians and pretty much anyone else who values politically correct music.

Christians on the other hand are dead serious when they are singing "Praise the Lord" and are quite content to spread their holier than thou attitude with their music.

Sure, maybe satanic music might still come off as cheesy, but atleast it's the fun kind of cheesy. Not the "Oh god I think I'm going to vomit" kind. I have no problem with bands/artists who are Christian and happen to make music. But I don't want to listen to music that actually contains any kind of discernable Christian message because that clashes with my own views and frankly it just annoys me.