WTF is going on??

falling bird

Jan 11, 2002
Visit site
Ok, i don't know who of you is gonna agree with me when i say that this board has become more and more rude and intolerant during the last time.
If someone is stating his opinion saying for example that he likes the new Katatonia more than the old ones he gets flamed for that and that is just fucked up in my opinion and has nothing to do with the sense of discussing a thread. I always liked this board for its tolerant people and different opinions but since that talk about whether downloading an album before it's out or not began, the board has just changed negatively.
Everyone's judging every word being said and forms it his way.
Of course i could just leave it as it is and don't bother but is that what you call a board community?

Well, those who read it until here may understand what i mean and may care as much as i do about this board in which i've spent a lot of joyful time and those who call me a moron don't need to care about this thread in any way :p

Hoping for some comments!
I agree, infact I was planning on taking a break from this board for a couple of weeks, possibly until the new album comes out (I just popped in today because I'm bored ;)), it's all gone a bit mental lately, figured I'd give it time to die down, let certain threads get buried etc....
I see there are still people that believe in democracy and free speech:) However I don't like the new Katatonia stuff, especially the new album... it's too Linkin Parkish for my taste... but most of the people die for it, it's their own choice. I preffer their more obscure stuff like the songs from WAR compilation or the demo/MCD
I never flamed anyone for thinking older Katatonia was the better than the newer because not everyone will like both styles and i can accept that. I did voice my oppion on whether or not i think people should download the new album but i didn't voice it in an intolerable or rude way. I just said i believe if you wait until the album is officialy released it will mean more to you and you will get the lyrics and Travis Smiths awesome artwork all at once.
I have never flamed anyone for not liking older Katatonia as much as the newer because not everyone will like both styles and i can accept that. I did voice my oppion on rather on not people should download the new album i believe people should be patient for when the album is officialy released it will mean more to you and you will get the lyrics and also Travis Smiths awesome artwork all at once.
I understand what you mean falling bird....Fortunately or unfortunately I haven´t had much time to visit this board in the last week, since I can use a PC only at work for the time being...but let´s wait until the new album is out... all these threads about viva emptiness are quite annoying for someone who is waiting for the realese date...