wy ain't there any black guys around?

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hibernal_dream said:
I don't know if I agree with you there Tanith.

I was raised in a white household, but I discovered metal completely by myself. None of my friends liked it, noone introduced me to it, it was entirely my choice to listen to it. Now, if I had been raised in a black culture, there is no reason that I would have chosen a different form of music.
Hmm.. interesting point.

Well Ok, here's another point. I don't mean to stereotype, but almost all black people listen to R&B / Hip-Hop, which is irremovebly linked to black culture. White's on the other hand, have no particular genre attached to them, so they have more of a freedom of choice over their genre they listen to (no, i'm not saying black people have no choice in what they listen to, I'm just making an assumtion (being as i'm not black myself, this is all I can do) that because of their culture they are raised in, they are pressurised into listening to the same music as their peers)
Ok, here's my list of black musicians that play metal.

Derrick Green - lead singer of Sepultura

Llody Grant - ex guitarist of Metallica, recorded the solo on the original version of "Hit the Lights"

Alex Hellid - lead guitarist of Entombed

Living Colour
Tanith said:
Hmm.. interesting point.

Well Ok, here's another point. I don't mean to stereotype, but almost all black people listen to R&B / Hip-Hop, which is irremovebly linked to black culture. White's on the other hand, have no particular genre attached to them, so they have more of a freedom of choice over their genre they listen to (no, i'm not saying black people have no choice in what they listen to, I'm just making an assumtion (being as i'm not black myself, this is all I can do) that because of their culture they are raised in, they are pressurised into listening to the same music as their peers)

I have no doubt that that is the case. There's an African guy who moved in across the hall from me in college. When he first came here he had his own culture, wore traditional clothes from his country, had a beautiful accent (which the girls seemed to love). Now, he hangs around with the rap listeners (only asian and black), wears homie clothes, speaks with an american accent, says 'yo' and 'what up' and blasts obnoxious trash music all day and night.

:lol: color. don't make me start spelling like an american.
anonymousnick2001 said:
And Muslim women are perfectly able and allowed to think for themselves. Don't take Afghanistan's mistake as the way it is in all Muslim countries. Just because the religion goes out of its way to protect women in ways you can't fathom doesn't mean it oppresses them. So shut up.


Don't you dare tell me to shut up, I have seen personally what Muslim men do to their wives.

In Britain if a Muslim women gets pregnant the doctors are not allowed to tell the parents what the child will be, because if it's a daughter the father will kill the baby by pushing his wife over or something else like that. I know people who it has happened to, many Muslim men are in Prison for killing their wives "Accidently" pushing her down the stairs. A women brings no profit when she is married off, only sons do, so fuck you and fuck the horse you came in on.

Protection...don't make me laugh, women can't even vote in most Middle-Eastern countries and it is some Muslims who carry out "Female Circumcision" if you know what that is.

I don't imagine you will...

and also...


The language is called ENGLISH for a reason.
anonymousnick2001 said:
White guys in rap are readily accepted and much more common than black guys in metal.
You gotta be kidding me. Other than The Beastie Boys and maybe Eminem, white guys in rap are considered a joke. Unless of course you think Vanilla Ice is cool.

EDIT: I'm deleting the rest of my post in response to all that chat about Islam. Why? Can't be arsed to get into it. Not assed, but arsed. :)
JayKeeley said:
You gotta be kidding me. Other than The Beastie Boys and maybe Eminem, white guys in rap are considered a joke. Unless of course you think Vanilla Ice is cool.
DOn't forget about Insane CLown Posse, bringing rap and corpse paint together.
VitalMarcus said:
There's an all black metal band named Black Death. They were probably the first all black metal band.
I was wondering if anyone would mention them. I had an album by them long ago, but I found it uninteresting and dropped it. The reason I bought it was because Sound Barrier kicked major ass before them (as far as I know, Sound Barrier was earlier). Sound Barrier was much better than Living Colour has ever been, and was similar but a bit heavier at times as well. Sound Barrier did *THE BEST*, by far, to date, version of the too oft covered "Born to Be Wild." Bernie K (vox) went on to assist Alex Masi on a few albums and last I knew was in a hard rock project called Total Eclipse (great disc, by the way). Spacey T (guitar) also made an appearance in Mother's Finest for BLACK RADIO WON'T PLAY THIS (awesome disc also, btw).
Don't you dare tell me to shut up, I have seen personally what Muslim men do to their wives.

In Britain if a Muslim women gets pregnant the doctors are not allowed to tell the parents what the child will be, because if it's a daughter the father will kill the baby by pushing his wife over or something else like that. I know people who it has happened to, many Muslim men are in Prison for killing their wives "Accidently" pushing her down the stairs. A women brings no profit when she is married off, only sons do, so fuck you and fuck the horse you came in on.

Protection...don't make me laugh, women can't even vote in most Middle-Eastern countries and it is some Muslims who carry out "Female Circumcision" if you know what that is.

I don't imagine you will...

and also...


The language is called ENGLISH for a reason.
You really are a cockhead.

I can't remember the last time something like that happened in America. Maybe we're not screwd up like you English, and your 'colours' and your crumpets and your fuckin' TEA!

If you 'prefRE' your lifestyle, language, and your anti-Islamic views, good for you. Go do that. But don't tell me how to talk. Especially after a made a lighthearted comment about spelling differences to show the stupidity of culture clashing. Thanks for proving my point, dumbshit.

And you're genralizing Muslims. Those are Conservative Muslim ideals and crazy conservative Muslim men. I know many Moderate Muslims, and many Liberal Muslims. In fact, Liberal Muslims(generally descendent of Eastern Asian countries such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, China, or Indonesia) don't even care if the women leave the house or cover their hair or whatnot. As long as it's done in the mosque. If the women in the Middle east really want to vote, and really want to dress like a fucking stripper and give head to the neighbor's teenage son when their husband's out, FINE. They can move to another country and do so there. But I'm pretty sure that the women who don't mind following their religion have grown up comfortably in a male-dominated society, where they can feel safe and protected, and can contain their modesty until they are married. If they wish otherwise, they can move to the U.S. or another country not controlled by an ultra-conservative mindset.

It's all about choice. So once again, SHUT THE FUCK UP!
And back to the topic at hand, I really wish I could see some more black guys in metal. Generally speaking(as vocalists go), black vocalists have a level of timbre and warmth that I have not heard in white vocalists. Not to say anything by that...it's just an observation, same as how Asian vocalists send to sing nasally/screechily. And it all sounds good. Imagine how much metal could improve if more racial mixture was present. So many worldbeat influences...from merengue to kodo to raga to calypso...endless mixtures...new instruments, like Senegal drums, or Trinidad drums, or sitar or balaika or electric cello or gamelan or, wow...
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