Of course I'm anti-Islamic, do you know what the fuck is happening in Britain, with people flooding into the country, I imagine you don't, why do I waste time and energy on fools and posers.
I bet you were waving a Palestinian flag on September 11th, you make me sick.
NP - Anal Cunt - Even Though Your Culture Oppresses Women, You Still Suck You Fucking Towelhead
Oh, so because I don't like your anti-Islamic views, I'm a fool and a poser, am I? And you're right, I couldn't give a fuck about Britain if I tried. And I honestly find your ignorance and blatant racism both appalling and a little threatening. Starting two(that I've seen) entire threads about anti-Islamic sentiment in the UM Maiden forum isn't shameful enough, nooo, you have to cannibalize the GMD forum also.
Not that it's any of your business, but Sept. 11 was a severe blow to me and my family, seeing as how we're all Americans.
But of course, you could care less about America, just like the rest of the world. You pretended to care about us after Sept. 11 happened, because you and everyone else was afraid of going against us cause we're the big bad U.S., which we wouldn't have(Imperialists/Nazis we are not). So don't tell me how I felt after Sept. 11. You probably have a fucking swastika tattooed on
your forehead.
And if anyone else makes a response to my racist comment about black people being better than white people, I'm pretty sure I've already apologized for it, but just in case, I'M SORRY.
I wish people would take that point of view once in a while. White people in America have only understood racial equality for 50 or so years now. Until the magnanimous weight of what slavery really was is understood by them, black comedians making fun of white folks will always be funny, and white comedians making fun of blacks, will be racist.
It's not me, it's just how it is. Right now. But I'm hoping my generation is working to change that. I hope this works as a temporary explanantion of my previous comment. If I pissed anyone off anyway, sorry.