wy ain't there any black guys around?

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anonymousnick2001 said:
It's all about choice. So once again, SHUT THE FUCK UP!

My point was, don't you dare tell me to shut up, the point is I can believe and say what I want, and I believe what I see, so then, you immature fool, your telling me to shut up has only made me more indignant.

The word is 'prefer', you arse.

Of course I'm anti-Islamic, do you know what the fuck is happening in Britain, with people flooding into the country, I imagine you don't, why do I waste time and energy on fools and posers.

I bet you were waving a Palestinian flag on September 11th, you make me sick.

NP - Anal Cunt - Even Though Your Culture Oppresses Women, You Still Suck You Fucking Towelhead
I come to Australia and I get Chinese people telling me I've sold out to being white, they expect me to like horrible J-pop and Cantopop.
Ahahaha. I feel for your Chaotic. People have told me "I'm trying to be white" but not really a sellout. Oh man and that J-pop and Japanese Rap is just fucking horrid.
anonymousnick2001 said:
Well, you asked for it:

First off, I ain't white. Second. Have your entire race go through almost two hundred years of slavery and then a hundred fifty more of racial discrimination. Then, you can say whatever you want. Until that happens, black people>white people.

Shut up dick head. White people now didn't put all you lot in slavery, so why take it out on us.

If it wasn't for the slave trade there would probably be hardly any Blacks living in America or England.

Racist prick!
Quick, we must save Nick from the hordes of maruading Slave-traders out to sell him into the cotton trade.

Black People > White People eh...

You are the racist Nick, none of us.

Well there may be some racists on here but nothing racist has been posted, apart from by you.

Black people do have a place in Metal, well most metal.
Pit Of Zombies said:
If it wasn't for the slave trade there would probably be hardly any Blacks living in America or England.
England? England never had slaves (at least not in the UK). If anything, it was the British that destroyed the Spanish Armadas from carrying the Africans over the Atlantic to America. 'Aint you watched Amistad? :p

Most blacks who live in England are from the West Indies. They moved their on their own free will. The blacks in America are a lost race - they try to hang on to their African roots by calling themselves "African-Americans" but in truth, there is nothing African about them, other than skin colour perhaps - and even then, maybe.
What if Africans (as in from Africa) made black metal? If a bunch of upper class Norweigian kids can make such harsh and oppressive noise, imagine what people with real problems could do!
Of course I'm anti-Islamic, do you know what the fuck is happening in Britain, with people flooding into the country, I imagine you don't, why do I waste time and energy on fools and posers.

I bet you were waving a Palestinian flag on September 11th, you make me sick.

NP - Anal Cunt - Even Though Your Culture Oppresses Women, You Still Suck You Fucking Towelhead
Oh, so because I don't like your anti-Islamic views, I'm a fool and a poser, am I? And you're right, I couldn't give a fuck about Britain if I tried. And I honestly find your ignorance and blatant racism both appalling and a little threatening. Starting two(that I've seen) entire threads about anti-Islamic sentiment in the UM Maiden forum isn't shameful enough, nooo, you have to cannibalize the GMD forum also.

Not that it's any of your business, but Sept. 11 was a severe blow to me and my family, seeing as how we're all Americans.

But of course, you could care less about America, just like the rest of the world. You pretended to care about us after Sept. 11 happened, because you and everyone else was afraid of going against us cause we're the big bad U.S., which we wouldn't have(Imperialists/Nazis we are not). So don't tell me how I felt after Sept. 11. You probably have a fucking swastika tattooed on your forehead.

And if anyone else makes a response to my racist comment about black people being better than white people, I'm pretty sure I've already apologized for it, but just in case, I'M SORRY.

I wish people would take that point of view once in a while. White people in America have only understood racial equality for 50 or so years now. Until the magnanimous weight of what slavery really was is understood by them, black comedians making fun of white folks will always be funny, and white comedians making fun of blacks, will be racist.

It's not me, it's just how it is. Right now. But I'm hoping my generation is working to change that. I hope this works as a temporary explanantion of my previous comment. If I pissed anyone off anyway, sorry.
I started no anti-Islamic threads anywhere you stupid cunt.

Your assumption is disgraceful

But It's ok for you to be Anti-white though is that it...

I hate all religion, Islam, Christianity, Jewism...fucking all of it, Muslims are recieving no special attention.

There is a fucking war in Nigeria with half the country being Islamic Fundamentalists and half being Christian. People are dying because of Islamic laws twisted by evil people, September 11th, Bali, a fucking Ricin lab in London, terrorist attacks in numerous countries who do not support Islam, and I find most of their laws abhorrent, In Nigeria and other Islamic countries women are fucking stoned to death for commiting adultery, that's your Liberal Muslins for you, and Men can do as they please.

Get a fucking clue, you are a fool because you are ignorant to what is happening in the world in the name of Islam. And you are are a poser for pretending to.

Please tell me of my ignorance, oh almighty powerful one...

As far as I am concerned you are a White-hating racist, and and such I don't value your opinion anyway.
Nigeria is one of the worst examples of an Islamic country and one of the best of power gone corrupt.

Ummm...I'd throw stones at a guy who committed adultery as well, so it's not my fault that sexist people in those countries attack only women. Notice the high attempts at emigration to America from those countries.

I don't hate white people. In fact, like 90% of my friends are white. And the girl I have a crush on is white. Too bad I can't date...I'd ask her out. I'm also pretty sure I'm not racist, but you think you're pretty smart, so you can prove me wrong, too.

I DO wish there were more black guys into metal. And the ones into hip-hop, well, I wish they'd listen to the good stuff like old Nas, Tribe Called Quest, De La Soul, Common, and The Roots.
Oh, and sorry about accusing you of starting anti-Islamic threads. I mixed you up with Merciless Onslaught and Prismatic Sphere.

Heehee, yikes...
anonymousnick2001 said:
I don't hate white people. In fact, like 90% of my friends are white. And the girl I have a crush on is white. Too bad I can't date...I'd ask her out.

Can't date?

Why can't you date?

But please don't say it is some religious reason, because that will be too much...

Sorry about that before but the thing is I work in the Immigration office where people come to claim Asylum and I know all the things that go on, and also the statistics for Asylum seekers.

The region that I live in "Merseyside" has the highest population of Asylum seekers or immigrants in UK, 1 in 4 people are seeking Asylum and the truth is, that very few people deserve to be in this country.

Some are genuine, but most are Migrant workers that the French pass on to us, because Britain is a soft touch, they only come here because we give them the most money, the best things.

2 Asylum seekers sued the council because the house that they were housed in was not big enough, the house they wanted was £275,000 or about $400,000, they just came through the channel tunnel and demanded a big house in London.

The majority of these Asylum seekers are Muslim aswell.

So I will admit I probably am a bit racist, but I have seen so much disgusting shit, it's hard not to be.

You've finally stated why your opinions are what they are, giving me and any other readers insight into what makes your opinion tick. If based upon whatever shit you've been through, you have a prejudgment on peole, it's not really your fault.

I'm a Liberal Muslim, and a lot of the things that you were saying were hurting my feelings. It felt like you were attacking the people of my religion as a whole, when instead, you were just attacking the shitheads. And there are shitheads and fanatics in EVERY human regime. It's part of being human, I guess...

It can sometimes be difficult to not be racist, but I hope that in time you will be able to see that a few people don't represent an entire culture. Secular Muslim countires such as Bangladesh or Indonesia, although poor and not without corruption, are shining examples of countries where women are given a choice to do what they wish and religion plays a part in life, and not the heart of life.

In the end, it is up to you.

I have seen the reactions and prejudices of many white people, and my parents have told me of the hardships that white Americans have put foreigners through, but I don't hate white people as a race because of it. I might have made some sill comments before, but I have never met a black or Hispanic person that has been racist/rude to me for being Asian. It doesn't mean anything, but it'll build slight preconceptions in my mind, you see.

That's my $.02 on myself. I hope that after this extended thread piracy and elongated, and very heated, discussion, the two of us can come to terms and also come to peace.

P.S. I can't date because of religious reasons. Sorry to disappoint you. Sometimes it's hard being an American and a Muslim at the same time, but I make it work.

Oh yeah, and SEpt. 11 WAS the worst day of my life. I've never had both sides of my identity be destroyed, but if they ever did, that was the day. They crumbled like the WTC. My country was attacked, and 3,000 of my countrymen were dead. Not to mention that my remaining countrymen would never look at me or my brothers and sisters in Islam the same way ever again. At that moment, I wanted to literally KILL those responsible.
anonymousnick2001 said:
Yo, HMS? Hello?


There are Muslims in this Country who have a banner in one hand that says "Destroy Blair and The Western World" and the other hand is reaching for a hand-out, that I am paying for.

They campaigned outside the building I worked in, and most of them don't even deserve to be here.

You should hate these people more than I do.

They are twisting the religion that you are so proud of for their own twisted ends, to kill and die for it, to kill my countrymen.

As long as you stand by your religion I can never agree with you.

I'm not exclusively Anti-Islam, I'm anti-Christian, Anti-Jewish and just generally Anti-Religion.

So worship what you want, believe what you want, preach what you want, but don't tell me "Muslims are cool people", All religious people are equally evil in my eyes.
You're right, man. They are twisting the religion. I don't support them.

But you can't blame me for standing by my religion and defending it. Not it's followers, but the religion itself.

And I never said we had to agree about anything. I just wanted to know if we were on good terms now that we've had an intelligent discussion and both learned something from it.
anonymousnick2001 said:
You're right, man. They are twisting the religion. I don't support them.

But you can't blame me for standing by my religion and defending it. Not it's followers, but the religion itself.

And I never said we had to agree about anything. I just wanted to know if we were on good terms now that we've had an intelligent discussion and both learned something from it.

Yeah, I don't have a problem, the only way to discuss certain things is in the form of an arguement.

Fair enough, you stand by and defend your religion, religion is something I put out of my life a long time ago, so continuing to discuss it is pointless, if you want to talk about Metal then that's cool.
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