Sony FanBoy ignorance is so great...

Microsoft has alot of great games coming and any problems you may have with your 360 they are fixing for FREE. They'll send you the shipping box and stamps ect., fix it, and send it back. That's if you've had a problem with one of the launch Consoles bought before Jan 1st 2006.

I haven't had any glitching problems with my 360, and coincidentally neither have about 4 of my friends who own them.

There are quite a few great games out now for 360 like: Oblivion(which actually looks better and plays more fluidly on a 360 than i've ever seen on a PC), DOA4, DeadRising, ChromeHounds(great multiplayer although the story isnt too great), NinetyNineNights, and Saints Row(surprisingly fun, even more so than GTA).

They also have great games coming like: Gears of War, Halo 3, Halo Wars, Assassin's Creed, BioShock, Lost Odyssey, and Blue Dragon.

The Nintendo Wii is chalk full of innovation and fun gameplay. The addition of the virtual console simply seals the deal along with the cheap price point comparable to the other systems.

Sony, I don't have much respect for as a company. They stole literally almost all "their" ideas from other companies. Most recently however they've taken the idea of a dashboard button and a dashboard from microsoft. Sony has also added motion sensing technology to their PS3 controller and coincidentally this isn't announced or even thought of by Sony until Nintendo pointed them in the direction.

Paying $600 for a machine with a format that may not even take off, hardware that isn't much powerful than the Xbox 360's hardware, a cell processor(which is difficult to program for, pushing away developers), a non-unified online service that could bring a repeat of the HORRID PS2 online experience, and to boot the PS3 is even larger than the original Xbox, so a size comparison no longer means anything as far as being a selling factor for Sony.


fuck all if i'll pay more than $300 for any of those next gen systems.

Well, have fun waiting about 3 years to buy yourself a PS3, and ending up hearing about their next console then which will most likely be just as or more expensive.

In conclusion...


Setsu, just because you don't/wont like the PS3 doesn't mean it's gonna be a horrendous failure. I'm not exactly 100% up to date with these new next-gen systems, but I've heard a few things, and I've seen what happened already with the first Sony/Microsoft war.
Sure, the system seems to have the whole world stacked against it (you also forgot to mention the exploding discs), but I'm sure it'll kick just as much ass as PS1 and 2 did. In my eyes, XBOX 359.5 needs to help itself with better games. XBOX 1 had a handful of good games, and the rest were kinda mediocre at best. Sony has all the kick ass 3rd party game developers, and that's where the PS3 will thrive.
I'm not a fan boy, i just know my stuff. PS2 owned for rpgs for sure, and some other great titles. God of War etc, but as an overall experience it was a better graphics ps1. Xbox pwned are souls with some new innative games, ninja gaiden, fable, halo, halo 2, fusion frenzy (best game evah), project gotham racing 2, star wars:knights of the old republic, star wars KOTOR2, Jade Empire, elderscrollsL morrowind, half-life 2, mech assault, battle engine aquilla...

Game cube also owned our souls with some beautiful titles, metroid, smash bros ect..

I've always been a die hard fan of Final Fantasy/legend of dragoon type games...but i've always prefered the assortment of games on xbox and nintendos consoles..

Anyhoot, Halo Movie will pwn, for fans of the game and books-and those who know nothing. Halo Wars RTS will be awsome and so will halo 3, and God Of War 2, Fable 2 etc
proulxski said:
Xbox pwned are souls with some new innative games, ninja gaiden, fable, halo, halo 2, fusion frenzy (best game evah), project gotham racing 2, star wars:knights of the old republic, star wars KOTOR2, Jade Empire, elderscrollsL morrowind, half-life 2, mech assault, battle engine aquilla...
Why spend money on a console if many of the games are also on PC, but with better graphics and a more comprehensive control system? You can argue until you're blue in the face that Xbox/360 is better graphically than a PC, but at the end of the day a PC is upgradable which automatically makes it win any graphics contest because it will keep getting better.
I didn't play much Oblivion, but it certainly suffered on PC because of the dumbed down interface to make it playable on a console. That should have stayed on PC only.
very true theVikingR

... but i guess the defense for consoles is that they are a more affordable and straightforward way of getting into gaming. A lot of people will not want to be bothered with installations and installing new graphics cards or whatever. With consoles people can just pop in a disc and play, without having to worry about installing it or whether the game will run ok or not. And not ALL console games are also on PC - its not like you'll be able to play any Wii games or whatever on your PC.

More of a PC gamer myself .. but these next-gen consoles might get me back into consoles like the good ol' NES/SNES/N64 days :) (Wont be as good as though)
MrFast said:
If the only half-decent thing about X-box 360 is Halo, then it's just as gay as the first console.

The Nintendo Revolution on the other hand, will be the greatest thing ever.

Halo is the most overated crap game ever made... oh yea and Fuck a Wii get a P3.
I never said the PS3 wouldn't do well, i'm sure, no matter the price it will sell very well. It also has some things going for it, although the main reason they have so many RPG's and 3rd party developers is because it had a head start against Microsoft. it became very popular in Japan on release because it was a next generation console and a DVD player all in one. DVD stand alone players at the time were more expensive than the PS2. A great deal at the time...

Sony has its fair share of mediocre games too. Microsoft is gaining more 3rd party support as of late and things like Blue Dragon are coming as of that development.

It could go anywhere, because both systems are so close as far as pure hardware power goes.

The main thing I think Microsoft has over Sony is Xbox Live.

Alteredmindeath, that wasn't even a valid arguement or point. You had nothing backing up your statement, at all.

I admit Halo is overrated, but Bungie has to be doing something right for it to be the number 1 game on xbox live for 2 years or so. As well as being one of the biggest and fastest selling games ever. Halo 2 brought in $125 million in the first day.

For some reason I think it may be a good game. It isn't the best FPS ever or anything like that, but it's a well made game that's alot of fun to play.

My guess is the Wii may outsell the PS3 since it's nearly $350 cheaper and will have many more units available at launch than the PS3.
Fuck consoles. I don't get how people play anything but sports games on a console. The PC is leagues ahead.
Btw, how the fuck do you guys play Halo and doom-clones with the shitty gamepad anyway?! You can't compete against WSAD and a mouse.
The main reason people choose consoles over computer-rigs is because there's no need to constantly upgrade hardware. The latest graphics cards for computers push past the $500 mark, and that's not including things like a top of the line processor and motherboard to go with it. A $400 console that runs and plays games as well as a $1500 computer-rig can makes your wallet breathe a sigh of relief. With the $1100 you save, you can probably get yourself a decent home theater setup that'll last you a good fifteen years.

When it comes to FPS control schemes between console/PC games, I prefer the mouse to the right stick for looking but prefer the left stick to the WADS for movement. Halo does have some good controls in that respect. Speaking of Halo, Bungie has some serious bragging rights for what they did: One game property carried a new game system and turned the game system into a major success.
a video game thread, my home, if you will I going to throw out a few thoughts of mine on this next gen consoles.

1. the Wii is going to rock, plain and simple, metroid prime 3, twilight princess, red steel, and of coarse the control, way to go nintendo for pulling a nintendo!

2.x box 360, While I really dont have much intrest in it as of right now, I may eventually end up picking one up, obviously it has oblivion, but dead rising is awesome, blue dragon is going to rock and Im sure that there will eventually be a few more games that tickle my fancy on it, I just dont like the idea of not having backwards-compatability (way to get the 360 out a year ahead of sony microsuck)

3. the Playstation 3, while I have been a huge sony follower for quite some time, the more I see sony doing with PS3, the more I start to get pissed, again I will eventually pick one up, but not for $600, of coarse its going to have awesome games that goes without saying (MGS4, FFXIII, DMC4) plus the fact that it does backwards compatability to PS1 makes it pretty awesome, I just cant get over how cocky sony think they are by saying things like "even if we dont release any games the PS3 will see a million copies" shut the fuck up, can we get real for a minute? (sadly they are right)

in the end I will have all 3 next-gen consoles, but just in what order I get them is still under thought, Wii first though no question (im a cheap skate LOL)
I just bought a new PC, yay :D you've gotta have a PC these days anyway so as if not just pay a bit extra (price of a console system) to beef it up ;D HL2 runs smooth.
Sabin17 said:
The main reason people choose consoles over computer-rigs is because there's no need to constantly upgrade hardware.

I last upgraded two years ago and my system has no problem playing any of the new games. I don't even have a new gen gpu (like nVidia 7xxx or ATi X1xxx), I got an ATi x850xt. It's really not that expensive in the end and when it comes to playing games the selection is endless.
The only thing consoles got: portability. You can take it to someones place and get a few people together to play PES 5. Nothing else.
PoisonSeed said:
I last upgraded two years ago and my system has no problem playing any of the new games. I don't even have a new gen gpu (like nVidia 7xxx or ATi X1xxx), I got an ATi x850xt. It's really not that expensive in the end and when it comes to playing games the selection is endless.
The only thing consoles got: portability. You can take it to someones place and get a few people together to play PES 5. Nothing else.
I have an ATIx600 and I can run CS:Source flawlessly.

Although my girlfriend bought a GeForce 7300 yesterday and I ran a couple of games on her PC... I'm starting to get a tad jealous :(
HOLY CRAP! I bypassed this thread ever since it was made because I thought people would be talking about how awesome the X-Box 360 is. Well, I think it's heaping pile of turd, and Nintendo is 10X better! :heh:

BUT, pc's obviously pwn them all. I like using a Windows emulator on Linux though, since games will run better due to less resources being used up on a Linux OS. I just need a computer that's not a POS now, and I'll be all set.