Xtian Death Metal?????????

Just when you thought the everyday hassles of religion being shoved down your throat from every angle were bad enough

Where exactly do you live? Or where exactly is "in the shrubs by the dark river"? I'm simply curious because you make it sound like christians are banging on your dorr everyday. i live in the south where christianity is supposedly more prevalent and i must say i get more newspaper salesman than christian solicitors. in fact, i do not think ive had one christian solicitor in the 4 years of living in this uptight white upper middle class hood.

methinks you're overstating things and being just a tad sensitive.

I dont set out to "hate" religious people, but the ones that push it, or start a Death Metal band with Xtian overtones are just pathetic attempts to wiggle into the metal world and "save some souls".

yeah, ignoring these bands is just too hard
Xtian? Spell it the fuck out. That being said, I don't care what the philosophy is or what the ideas are, if the music is good then it's good. And lyrically, cleverness and such are more important than the themes. I like Behemoth's lyrics (somewhat) even though I think Nergal is a douche in his philosophy, for example.
Where exactly do you live? Or where exactly is "in the shrubs by the dark river"? I'm simply curious because you make it sound like christians are banging on your dorr everyday. i live in the south where christianity is supposedly more prevalent and i must say i get more newspaper salesman than christian solicitors. in fact, i do not think ive had one christian solicitor in the 4 years of living in this uptight white upper middle class hood.

methinks you're overstating things and being just a tad sensitive.
I don't know if this is what he meant but in America Christianity has a massive influence on politics and there are many laws based on their religion. For example outlawing gay marriage or not be able to work on Sunday in some states.
i wish i didnt have to work on sunday. bring it on.

apologies if outlawing gay marriage had a personal negative effect
I would not be opposed to listening to it if the music is good, but I would probably feel uncomfortable doing it. I don't believe in Satan and I listen to Satanic metal, but Christianity is different because a great many people take it seriously. Can't turn down a good band for purely ideological reasons though.
I would not be opposed to listening to it if the music is good, but I would probably feel uncomfortable doing it. I don't believe in Satan and I listen to Satanic metal, but Christianity is different because a great many people take it seriously. Can't turn down a good band for purely ideological reasons though.

But people take the Sataism stuff seriously too (maybe less per capita, though).

Anyway have you never heard any? Truthfully there are a lot of sub-par bands that have come out over the years. I think the "Christian metal scene" has been too quick to embrace anything that sounds heavy, thus encouraging bands with not enough talent who haven't practiced enough to release albums.

If anyone recommends Crimson Thorn to you, don't believe them. They are one of the worst examples of the above.

But there are some good bands/releases. Mortification - Scrolls of the Megilloth, Living Sacrifice - Noexistent/Inhabit, Extol - Burial are some older ones. Paramaecium - Exhumed of the Earth is probably one of the best doom/death albums made.
But people take the Sataism stuff seriously too (maybe less per capita, though).

Anyway have you never heard any? Truthfully there are a lot of sub-par bands that have come out over the years. I think the "Christian metal scene" has been too quick to embrace anything that sounds heavy, thus encouraging bands with not enough talent who haven't practiced enough to release albums.

If anyone recommends Crimson Thorn to you, don't believe them. They are one of the worst examples of the above.

But there are some good bands/releases. Mortification - Scrolls of the Megilloth, Living Sacrifice - Noexistent/Inhabit, Extol - Burial are some older ones. Paramaecium - Exhumed of the Earth is probably one of the best doom/death albums made.
I haven't heard any that are expressly Christian, but a few people in bands I like have thanked Christ or God or Allah in their thanks list.
I don't believe in Satan and I listen to Satanic metal...
How many "Satanic metal" bands even believe in Satan? It seems to me that Satanism is metal is largely of the metaphorical and atheistic variety, in sharp contrast to Christian metal (have you ever heard of a band using the worship of Jesus as a positive metaphor?).